You can manage non-OpenStack volumes on the Cinder hosts in your deployment. Managing a volume makes it usable in your OpenStack deployment.


  1. Log in to the VMware Integrated OpenStack dashboard as a cloud administrator.
  2. Select the admin project from the drop-down menu in the title bar.
  3. Select Admin > Volume > Volumes.
  4. Click Manage Volume and enter the desired configuration.
    Option Description


    Enter the name or identifier for the source volume.

    Note: To migrate a volume from the VMDK back end to the FCD back end, enter the ID of the existing VMDK volume.

    Identifier Type

    Select Name or ID.

    Note: To migrate a volume from the VMDK back end to the FCD back end, select ID.


    Enter the Cinder host that contains the existing volume. Use the following format: host:backend-name@pool.

    Volume Name

    Enter a name for the volume.


    Enter a description of the volume.


    Enter metadata as key-value pairs. For example, img_config_drive=mandatory.

    Volume Type

    Select a volume type for the volume.

    Availability Zone

    Select an availability zone in which to place the volume.


    Select the checkbox to allow instances to boot from the volume.

  5. Click Manage.


The specified volume is managed by Cinder and visible in OpenStack.

The equivalent CLI command is cinder manage <host> <identifier>.

For example: cinder manage '[email protected]#VMwareVcVmdkDriver' '[Datastore1] vm1/vm1.vmdk@datacenter/vm/vm1'.
<host>: one of the values returned by 'cinder get-pools' command.
<identifier>: <vmdk path>@<vm inventory path>
<vmdk path>: [<datastore name>] <vm folder name>/<vmdk file name>
<vm inventory path>: <datacenter name>/vm/<vm name>

Normally, <vm folder name> is the same as <vm name>.

  • Complete command line reference is:
    # cinder help manage
    usage: cinder manage [--cluster CLUSTER] [--id-type <id-type>] [--name <name>]
                         [--description <description>]
                         [--volume-type <volume-type>]
                         [--availability-zone <availability-zone>]
                         [--metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]] [--bootable]
                         <host> <identifier>
  • Manage an existing volume.
    Table 1. Positional Arguments
    <host> Cinder host on which the existing volume resides; takes the form: host@backend-name#pool
    <identifier> Name or other Identifier for existing volume
    Table 2. Optional Arguments
    --cluster CLUSTER Cinder cluster on which the existing volume resides; takes the form: cluster@backend-name#pool(Supported by API version 3.16 and later)
    --id-type <id-type> Type of backend device identifier provided, typically source-name or source-id (Default=source-name)
    --name <name> Volume name (Default=None)
    --description <description> Volume description (Default=None)
    --volume-type <volume-type> Volume type (Default=None)
    --availability-zone <availability-zone> Availability zone for volume (Default=None)
    --metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]] Metadata key=value pairs (Default=None)
    --bootable Specifies that the newly created volume should be marked as bootable