You can use MS Word DOCX files as a source for lab manuals when you import them into VMware Lab Platform.

You import a word document by uploading it to a lab manual project. The Content Engine converts the file to a lab manual format compatible with VMware Lab Platform.


Word DOC files are not eligible for import. Convert .doc files to the .docx format before you upload the file.


  1. On the Lab Manual Projects page, click the horizontal dots icon next to your manual project to open a drop-down menu.
  2. On the drop-down menu, click Upload Manual to open the Upload Manual form.
  3. On the Upload Manual form, click Choose File and navigate to the word file you want to import.
  4. Select the file, then click Upload. The Content Engine uploads the document to your manual project and converts it to the VMware Lab Platform lab manual format.
  5. Review your result in the Preview Document Conversion window.
  6. After reviewing the results, choose one of the following options.
    • To save the converted manual to your lab manual project, click Save.

    • To delete the converted document, click Cancel.