Similar to a temporary user, you can create an anonymous user for a “one-time” lab use, without the need to register the user in the system. This feature is useful for administrators who create content for quick demos or live events to demonstrate their products to users who might not use the system regularly.


Enable the Portal Settings > Configuration > General Options > Enable Anonymous User Lab access option.


  1. To open the Entitlements page, navigate to Entitlements > User Entitlements
  2. Click Create New.
  3. Select a lab from the lab list.
  4. To display the Create anonymous user option, select the Create user for entitlement check box .
  5. Select Create anonymous user.
  6. Enter all the required details of the user in the page.
  7. Click Create Entitlement.

    Once the entitlement is completed, the user account is deleted from the system. You can share the quick launch URL for the lab with the user.