You can create a lab template from scratch with Lab Builder.


Once you publish a lab template, you cannot edit it. You can only clone, delete, backup, or create a draft of the published lab template and modify the template.


The prerequisites for creating a lab template with Lab Builder are:

  • You must have a cloud organization to create a lab template. For more information on cloud and adding a cloud to VMware Lab Platform, see Working with Cloud Organizations.


Lab Builder displays a message if there are no cloud organizations for the customer account.

  • Your cloud organization must contain at least one cloud catalog.


  1. To open the Lab Templates page, select Lab Management > Lab Builder .
  2. On the Lab Templates page, click the cloud drop-down menu and select the cloud that you want to use for the lab template you are building. (Only available if you have more than one cloud).

    The first cloud in the drop-down menu is the default cloud. You can add a display name for a cloud in the Cloud Management > Clouds page.

  3. Select a catalog from the catalog drop-down menu.
  4. To open the Create from Scratch form, click Create New .
    Use the Create from Scratch form to create a new lab template.
  5. On the Create from Scratch form, specify a name and description for the lab, and select a data center. (Only available if you have more than one data center). If you don't select a cloud, the default cloud is selected.
  6. On the Create from Scratch form, click Add VM From Template, and open the Add VM form. Or, to create a new VM, click Create New VM.
    Details for a Create From Scratch form.
  7. To add virtual machines in your lab template, on the Add VM from Template form, select one or more virtual machines you want, and click Add. Or, to create a VM, click Create New VM.

    The Lab Builder adds the VMs you selected, or created.

  8. On the Create from Scratch form, you can also edit the VMs you selected. Click the vertical ellipsis icon, and select Edit VM.
  9. On the Edit VM form, you can select the number of CPUs and memory. Click Save after you select. The Create from Scratch form reopens with the CPUs and memory values you selected.

    If you mark the oVDC to use sizing policy you do not have the option to manually select the number of CPUs and memroy for the VM in Lab Builder. Instead, you must select a sizing policy from the Sizing policy drop-down , where the values for the number of CPUs and memory are predefined.

  10. Click Create From Scratch. The Lab Builder adds your lab template, as unpublished, to the Lab Templates list.

    Once you click Create From Scratch, Lab Builder displays a progress bar.

  11. You can edit, publish, or delete the lab template while it is in an unpublished state. To create the lab template and make it available to run a lab, click Actions > Publish.
  12. To force a resync, click on the ellipsis next to the Create New tab, and click Full Resync Lab Templates for current catalog. The resync action will sync all the media and lab templates for the selected cloud.