You create catalogs to contain labs. Users can sign up for labs through catalogs.

A catalog name must be unique within an account.


  1. To open the Catalogs page, select Lab Management > Lab Catalogs.
  2. Click Create New.
  3. Complete the Create Catalog form.
    Option Description


    Give the lab catalog a meaningful name. This name appears in the Catalog List. Catalog names are case sensitive and should be unique per account organization (tenant).

    Short Description

    Provide a short description of the catalog. This description appears, if activated, in the Catalog List. It appears in the lab console within the Labs tab to describe each catalog.


    Provide a more detailed description of the catalog. This description appears, if activated, in the Catalog List (administrator UI).


    Select to activate the lab catalog. If not selected, the lab catalog is saved in the system but, not available to any VMware Lab Platform accounts.

    Publicly Visible

    Activate or deactivate the public visibility of the catalog. If public visibility is deactivated in the catalog, then any labs in the catalog that have their public visibility activated are not publicly visible.


    Select an available lab. The labs you select become associated with this catalog. A lab must be associated with a catalog in order for it to be listed within that catalog in the end-user interface.).


    Select the groups of users in your account who can see this lab. Do not leave this text box blank. You must select a group or the catalog you are creating will not be visible.

  4. Click Create Catalog.

    The system creates the catalog, and opens the Lab Display Order tab.

What to do next

You can optionally change the order of the labs included within the catalog. Click the first column’s header to sort by that column, then drag a row. The lab order within the Lab Display Order list determines the order in which the system displays the labs in the lab console.

After you specify the lab ordering, click X to close the catalog form. You can preview the catalog listing in the end user interface.