The Account page includes a drop-down menu of common account management tasks. You can make changes for an individual user account or bulk accounts.

  1. To open the Account page, select Users & Groups > User Accounts.

  2. On the Account List, select the check box next to a user account, then click the ellipses to open the list of action options.

The following actions are available.



More Details

Displays the details of the user account.


Edit and update an account.

User Permissions

Edit and update a user's access and roles.

Account Settings

Displays additional details about the user account such as address, phone number, and so on.

Login As Account

Use the Login As Account option to log into the lab console as the selected user. If an end user reports a lab console problem, you can use the Login As Account option to see the problem or issue that the end user has reported. A login link to the user account's console is generated.

Impersonate Account

Use the Impersonate Account option to log in as an administrator into the VMware Lab Platform administrator UI.

Flush Questions

Removes the security questions associated with the user account.

Migrate to a different provider

Lets administrators to migrate the user account from one authentication provider to another.

In the Migrate to a different provider page, select the authentication provider from the drop-down menu.

Send New Token

Sends a verification email to the user when a customer user account is set up. The purpose of the email is to validate that the user's email address is authentic.

Migrate Transcripts

Migrates transcripts from one user account to another. This is useful when a user has changed their email address and wants their transcripts to be transferred to a new account.


Lets administrators to download comma-separated values (CSV) of the users selected in the list.

Expire Password

Expires the current password and forces the user to set a new password.

Never Expire Password

Lets administrators to never expire the password for the user account.


Deactivates the account.


Verifies the account.


Deletes the accounts.

  1. To update multiple accounts, select the check box next to user accounts that you want to update, and select the Batch Actions options listed on the page.



Flush Questions

Removes account's security questions.

Migrate to a different provider

Lets you to migrate the bulk user accounts from one authentication provider to another.

In the Migrate to a different provider page, select the authentication provider from the drop-down menu.

Send new token

Sends a verification email to the user when a user account is set up. The purpose of the email is to validate that the user's email address is authentic.


Allows you (the administrator) to download comma-separated values (CSV) of the users selected in the list.

Unlock Account

Unlocks all accounts in the list of accounts.


The system locks an account when an end user, while trying to log into a lab, answers the security questions wrong three times. At the time of locking (third wrong answer), the system sends an email to the email address of the account. The email contains a verification link that unlocks the account.

Expire Password

Expires the current password and forces the users to set a new password.


Activates the accounts.


Deactivates the accounts.


Verifies the accounts.


Deletes the accounts.

Using additional account options

There are several other useful options that you can use from the Account page: Flush Questions, Log in as User, and Print One Time Password.

Flushing user questions for a user account

Flush questions removes a user’s security questions. The option is useful when a user role has set security questions, but cannot remember the answers. Flushing the user’s security questions lets the user to log in with a one-time password (OTP) and then set new security questions.


Flush Questions must be activated per-customer account (by VMware support team). If you note that the Flush Questions option is inactive for a user, the likely reason is that the user has a role greater than a “user role” in another customer account.

Log in as a user

If an end user reports a lab console problem or issue, you can use the Login as User option to log in to the lab console as the selected user. TheLogin as User option lets you to see exactly what problem/issue the end user has reported. To use this option, proceed as follows:

  1. Select a user, click Login as User.

  2. On the notification that appears, click or enter the Login URL into your browser's address field.

    The system logs you out of your current session and logs you into the lab console as the user.

Print one time password

You can print the selected user's one-time password with the Print One Time Password option.