When you find good VM candidates to recover to a protected site, you are ready to power off and stage the VMs for recovery.


When powering off and staging VMs, VMware Live Cyber Recovery takes a snapshot of the VMs to prepare them for recovery to a protected site. The staging snapshot reflects the current state of the VMs in validation.

You can also choose to:
  • Discard all changes made to the VMs in the recovery SDDC and stage with the protected site base snapshot (the first snapshot you started using when you began validating the VMs).
  • Discard all changes made to the VMs in the recovery SDDC and start over with the last staged snapshots you used to validate the VMs.

For Windows VMs, when you power off and stage, the security sensor is uninstalled.

For Linux VMs, however, you must uninstall the sensor before clicking the Power Off and Stage button. For more information, see Uninstalling Sensors.

A snapshot can be used to recover a VM to either the same on-premises protected site or another on-premises protected site. However, ransomware recovery does not support restoring a snapshot from an on-premises protected site to a protected VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC.


  1. From the VMs list of the recovery plan, select one or more VMs and click the Power Off and Stage button.
    Figure 1.
    The power off and stage button for two VMs.
  2. In the Power off and stage dialog box, badge the base snapshot you were working from. If you are ready to recover the VMs, select the Take a new staging snapshot option. Taking a new staging snapshot allows you to restart validation using this current snapshot, instead of having to use the original snapshot.
    You can also choose to discard changes and stage either the first snapshot you started with, or the most recently staged snapshot. Previously staged snapshots are overwritten.
  3. Click the Power Off and Stage button.

What to do next

After you powered off and staged the VMs, you can now recover VMs to the original protected site, or recover VMs to a different protected site.