You can view different types of information related to your recovery SDDC

For every recovery SDDC, you can view the following information:

Category Description
Details The details section indicates the recovery SDDC name, ID, the type of cloud, the seller of the SDDC, the AWS region where the SDDC is deployed, the AWS zone ID, and the SDDC uptime.
Capacity and Usage This section indicates the number of hosts and clusters being used by the SDDC, the overall physical total storage capacity, total CPU, and total memory.
Cloud file systems From here you can view all cloud file systems attached to the recovery SDDC, including each cloud file system's total used protected capacity.

For more information, see Attach a Recovery SDDC to a Cloud File System and Detach a Cloud File System from a Recovery SDDC

Clusters The clusters section shows all clusters on the recovery SDDC, along with the number of hosts and host type on each cluster.

For more information, see Adding, Attaching, Deleting Clusters and Adding and Removing Hosts

Networks The networks section shows all networks associated with this recovery SDDC.

For more information, see Add a Network to a recovery SDDC.

Public IP addresses All public IP addresses you requested for your recovery SDDC appear here.

For more information, see Request Public IP Addresses