When you run a failover, you can instruct a recovery plan how to handle errors in the recovery steps of the plan.

Stop on Every Error

If you configured a recovery plan to stop when it encounters an error (‘Stop on every error’), the supported error handling actions are:

  • Retry. Re-attempts the step, after some manual intervention to amend the error. The failed substeps are rolled back and re-ran, which can result in success or a repeated error.
  • Continue. Continue the failover after a stop. For example, if the error is not critical and the error can be fixed later. This operation skips the failures from the failed substep and continues with the failover operation.

Ignore All Errors

With this runtime option, the failover runs in an unattended mode to allow the failover operation to continue running, even when it encounters errors. The system automatically ignores all errors by default. You can still fix those errors at the end of the failover operation if the failover completes with partial success, by clicking Retry all errors.

Retry Events

If your plan is configured to ‘Ignore all errors’ when a failover operation is running, the workflow ends up in a partially completed successful state. To amend those errors, after plan completion you can ‘Retry all errors’ to inspect the failover from the start and retry all failed sub-steps.

When you retry failover steps that initially failed during running plan operation, VMware Live Cyber Recovery logs specific events to indicate which recovery steps are being retried.

Note: For more information on events, see Monitoring.

Retry event message

Severity Level


“Retry recovery of [count] VMs.”


Generated when the recovery of a batch of VMs is retried.

"Retry recovery of VM [VM name].”


Generated when the recovery of an individual VM is retried.

Ignore Events

When you run a failover or test failover recovery plan, you have the option to ‘ignore all errors’ when the plan is run. If any errors are encountered when the plan is running, VMware Live Cyber Recovery generates the following system events to inform you which recovery steps were ignored.

Ignore event message

Severity Level


"Ignore failed recovery of [count] VMs and continue."


Generated when the recovery of a batch of VMs fails during plan operation and is ignored (but can later be recovered manually).

"Ignore failed recovery of VM [VM name]."


Generated when the recovery of an individual VM fails and is ignored (but can later be recovered manually).