You can edit one or more snapshots at a time to change their snapshot retention schedule.


  1. From the left navigation, select Protection groups.
  2. From the list, select a protection group.
  3. Select one or more snapshots by clicking the checkbox next to its name.
  4. Click the Edit Group button.
  5. In the Edit snapshot dialog box, if you have selected multiple snapshots, the title indicates the number of snapshots whose schedules you are changing.
    You have three options for snapshot retention: Forever (indefinite retention), For a specific amount of time, or Until a specific date.
    Note: For effective ransomware recovery, create a snapshot retention schedule that is at least 90 days. A 90 day retention schedule might result in higher storage capacity consumption, which is charged as described on the VMware Live Cyber Recovery pricing page.

    If the protection group is configured for quiescing, you can also activate or deactivate quiescing for each individual schedule.

  6. Click OK.