Depending on how your failback recovery plan is configured, the plan's recovery steps might require user intervention before the plan can continue.

Wait for User Confirmation Before Powering-off VMs

If the plan is configured with the 'During failback, wait for user confirmation before powering off VMs' option selected as a recovery step, the plan will pause prior to powering off the VMs running on the recovery SDDC to wait for user confirmation. Once a user clicks Power Off VMs, the plan begins powering off VMs and recovering them to the protected site.

Waiting for user to confirm powering off VMs before failback.

Wait for User Input

If your recovery plan has recovery steps configured to wait for user input, then when you view the running plan you see this window when this recovery step is reached:

Waiting for user input before continuing failback.


If the running failback plan is stuck for some reason and cannot make any progress, the terminate operation forces the failback to stop.

Terminate is a powerful, permanent operation you can use only in situations when you cannot make any further progress because of errors, or when it is for some reason desirable to retain the side effects of a partially completed operation. The failback runtime environment must be manually cleaned up to avoid conflicts with future failback operations.