Select protection groups for your recovery plans that have regularly scheduled snapshots that you can use for disaster recovery or ransomware recovery operations.

Before you configure a recovery plan and run it, first create a protection group and schedule snapshot replication to a cloud file system. When a failover occurs, you can use VM snapshots and restore them on the recovery SDDC. Snapshots can also be used when starting VMs in ransomware recovery. When you run the plan, you choose which snapshot to use for failover or ransomware recovery.

In the Groups page of the recovery plan wizard, you select the protection groups you want to include for failover. These selections ensure that the plan has sufficient information to recover all VMs and files from the selected protection groups. The plan uses snapshots of these protection groups for failover when you run the plan. Protection group selection affects a set of automatic compliance checks run for this plan.

A warning displays If the selected protection groups do not have scheduled replication configured for the backup site.

Note: Protection groups that you add to a plan can only originate from the same protected site.