VMware Live Site Recovery handles custom recovery step failures differently based on the type of recovery step.

VMware Live Site Recovery attempts to complete all custom recovery steps, but some command recovery steps might fail to finish.

Command Recovery Steps

By default, VMware Live Site Recovery waits for 5 minutes for command recovery steps to finish. You can configure the timeout for each command. If a command finishes within this timeout period, the next recovery step in the recovery plan runs. How VMware Live Site Recovery handles failures of custom commands depends on the type of command.

Type of Command Description
Top-level commands If a recovery step fails, VMware Live Site Recovery logs the failure and shows a warning on the Recovery Steps tab. Subsequent custom recovery steps continue to run.
Per-virtual machine commands Run in batches either before or after a virtual machine powers on. If a command fails, the remaining per-virtual machine commands in the batch do not run. For example, if you add five commands to run before power on and five commands to run after power on, and the third command in the batch before power on fails, the remaining two commands to run before power on do not run. VMware Live Site Recovery does not power on the virtual machine and so cannot run any post-power on commands.

Message Prompt Recovery Steps

Custom recovery steps that issue a message prompt cannot fail. Instead, the recovery plan pauses until you close the prompt.