VMware Live Site Recovery monitors consumption of resources on the VMware Live Site Recovery Server host and raises an alarm if a resource threshold is reached. You can change the thresholds and the way that VMware Live Site Recovery raises the alarms.
- In the vSphere Client, click .
- On the Live Site Recovery home tab, select a site pair, and click View Details.
- In the left pane click .
- Select a site and click Edit to change the settings.
Option Action Change the time difference at which VMware Live Site Recovery checks the CPU usage, disk space, and free memory at the local site. The default value is 60 seconds. Enter a new value in the localSiteStatus.checkInterval text box. Change the timeout during which VMware Live Site Recovery waits between raising alarms about CPU usage, disk space, and free memory at the local site. The default value is 600 seconds. Enter a new value in the localSiteStatus.eventFrequency text box. Change the maximum allowed time difference between server clocks. The default is 20 seconds. Enter a new value in thelocalSiteStatus.maxClockSkew textbox. If the detected server clock time is off by more than the set number of seconds to the VMware Live Site Recovery Server clock, VMware Live Site Recovery raises an event. Change the percentage of CPU usage that causes VMware Live Site Recovery to raise a high CPU usage event. The default value is 70. Enter a new value in the localSiteStatus.maxCpuUsage text box. Change the number of days before the VMware Live Site Recovery certificate expires before raising a certificate expiring event. The default value is 30 days. Enter a new value in the localSiteStatus. minCertRemainingTime text box. Change the percentage of free disk space that causes VMware Live Site Recovery to raise a low disk space event. The default value is 100 Mb. Enter a new value in the localSiteStatus.minDiskSpace text box. Change the amount of free memory that causes VMware Live Site Recovery to raise a low memory event. The default value is 32 MB. Enter a new value in the localSiteStatus.minMemory text box. - To save your changes, click OK.