The DR IP Customizer tool includes options that you can use to gather networking information about the virtual machines that VMware Live Site Recovery protects. You can also use the options to apply customizations to virtual machines when they start up on the recovery site.
The dr-ip-customizer is located in the /opt/vmware/srm/bin/ directory on the appliance.
When you run dr-ip-customizer, you specify different options depending on whether you are generating or applying a comma-separated value (CSV) file.
dr-ip-customizer --cfg SRM Server configuration XML --cmd apply/drop/generate [--csv Name of existing CSV File] [--out Name of new CSV file to generate] --uri https://host[:port]/lookupservice/sdk --vcid UUID [--ignore-thumbprint] [--extra-dns-columns] [--verbose]
You can run the DR IP Customizer tool on either the protected site or on the recovery site. Virtual machine IDs for protected virtual machines are different at each site, so whichever site you use when you run the DR IP Customizer tool to generate the CSV file, you must use the same site when you run DR IP Customizer again to apply the settings.
Some of the options that the DR IP Customizer tool provides are mandatory, others are optional.
Option | Description | Mandatory |
-h [ --help ] | Displays usage information about dr-ip-customizer.exe or dr-ip-customizer. | No |
--cfg arg | Path to the application XML configuration file, vmware-dr.xml. | Yes |
--cmd arg | You specify different commands to run DR IP Customizer in different modes.
Always provide the same vCenter Server instance for the apply and drop commands as the one that you used to generate the CSV file. |
Yes |
--csv arg | Path to the CSV file. | Yes, when running the apply and drop commands. |
-o [ --out ] arg | Name of the new CSV output file that the generate command creates. If you provide the name of an existing CSV file, the generate command overwrites its current contents. | Yes, when you run the generate command. |
--uri arg | Lookup Service URL on the Platform Service Controller with the form https://host[:port]/lookupservice/sdk . Specify the port if it is not 443 . The VMware Live Site Recovery instance associates this address with the primary site's infranode. Use the same vCenter Server instance for the apply and drop commands as the one that you used to generate the CSV file. |
Yes |
--vcid arg | The primary sitevCenter Server instance UUID. | Optional, unless the primary site infrastructure contains more than one vCenter Server instance. |
-i [ --ignore-thumbprint ] | Ignore the vCenter Server thumbprint confirmation prompt. | No |
-e [ --extra-dns-columns ] | Must be specified if the input CSV file contains extra columns for DNS information. | No |
-v [ --verbose ] | Enable verbose output. You can include a --verbose option on any dr-ip-customizer.exe or dr-ip-customizer command line to log additional diagnostic messages. | No |
/opt/vmware/srm/bin/dr-ip-customizer --cfg "/opt/vmware/srm/conf/vmware-dr.xml" -i --cmd generate -o "/home/admin/output.csv" --uri --vcid ?
The resulting error message includes the vCenter Server instance UUID followed by the vCenter Server DNS host name for each vCenter Server registered with the Lookup Service: ERROR: Failed to locate VC instance. Use one of the following known VC instances: e07c907e-cd41-4fe7-b38a-f4c0e677a18c