You can use the VMware Live Site Recovery REST APIs to run a recovery plan.


  1. Make a POST request to login to the primary site.
    POST BASE_URL/api/rest/srm/API_VERSION/session
  2. Make a GET request to get the pairing ID and the local vCenter ServerID.
    GET BASE_URL/api/rest/srm/v1/pairings/
    Example response:
          "pairing_id": "7ae3c72d-9fd6-3157-bec5-07c2982bd1e8",
          "local_vc_server": { "id": "0a98c22d-a553-47e4-bd56-2844f45d8ef6",
          "url": "",
          "name": "",
          "server_status": "OK",

    Save the pairing ID and the local vCenter Server ID.

  3. Make a GET request to get a list of all existing recovery plans.
    GET BASE_URL/api/rest/srm/v1/pairings/PAIRING_ID/recovery-management/plans

    Replace PAIRING_ID with the value recorded in Step 1.

    Example response:
            "id": "DrRecoveryRecoveryPlan:08ba3a70-5770-4089-a395-f11226e6fe21:93eb1820-f2fd-4238-b8fb-418cd96c1146", 
            "status": "TEST_COMPLETE",
            "protected_site_name": "primary-vc",
            "recovery_site_name": "secondary-vc",
            "protected_vc_guid": "0a98c22d-a553-47e4-bd56-2844f45d8ef6",
            "recovery_vc_guid": "71541212-0cb3-409f-9974-1733cd53d993",
            "name": "rp2",
            "description": null,
            "location": "DrFolder:DrRecoveryRootFolder:93eb1820-f2fd-4238-b8fb-418cd96c1146",
            "location_name": "Recovery Plans",
            "progress": 0,
            "is_running": false

    Save the Recovery Plan ID.

  4. Log in to the remote site by making a POST request.
    POST BASE_URL/api/rest/srm/v1/pairings/PAIRING_ID/remote-session

    Replace PAIRING_ID with the value recorded in Step 1.

    Enter the user name and password for the remote Platform Services Controller in the Authentication header.
  5. Make a POST request to run the recovery plan.
    POST BASE_URL/api/rest/srm/v1/pairings/PAIRING_ID/recovery-management/plans/RECOVERY_PLAN_ID/actions/recovery

    Replace PAIRING_ID with the value recorded in Step 1, and RECOVERY_PLAN_ID with the value recoded in Step 2.

    Example response:
        "skip_protection_site_operations": "false",
        "migrate_eligible_vms": "false",
        "sync_data": "true",
        "planned_failover": "true"