This use case provides instructions on the most popular scenario to use VMware Live Site Recovery to protect your environment. Prerequisites Set up VMware Live Site Recovery. What to read next Procedure Configure Inventory MappingsInventory mappings provide default objects in the inventory on the recovery site for the recovered virtual machines to use when you run recovery. Configure ReplicationVMware Live Site Recovery uses vSphere Replication to protect individual virtual machines and their virtual disks by replicating them from one vCenter Server instance to another. With this procedure you can add the virtual machines to protection groups and recovery plans. Test a Recovery PlanWhen you test a recovery plan, VMware Live Site Recovery runs the virtual machines of the recovery plan on a test network and on a temporary snapshot of replicated data at the recovery site. VMware Live Site Recovery does not disrupt operations at the protected site. Clean up After Testing a Recovery PlanAfter you test a recovery plan, you can return the recovery plan to the Ready state by running a cleanup operation. You must finish the cleanup operation before you can run a failover or another test. Run a Recovery PlanWhen you run a recovery plan, VMware Live Site Recovery migrates all virtual machines in the recovery plan to the recovery site. VMware Live Site Recovery attempts to shut down the corresponding virtual machines on the protected site.