VMware Marketplace provides you the following publishing options:

Listing Solution

Use the Listing Solution option if you want to only allow your prospective customers to discover your solution without the ability to directly download or deploy in their environment. You can provide them relevant marketing and technical information to know more about your solution.

Distributable Solution

Use the Distributable Solution option if you want to allow your prospective customers to discover and also directly download or deploy it in the environment of their choice. You can provide relevant marketing and technical information for them to know more about your solution.

Distributable solutions are associated with the Bring Your Own License (BYOL) option and require that your solution has an asset that has already been certified or validated.

If your asset has not yet been certified or validated, then complete the certification or validation process prior to publishing on VMware Marketplace. For more information on certification and validation, see VMware Technology Partner Hub

Figure 1. Comparison of Publishing Options
Comparison of Publishing options