You can restore device files to a previous CVD snapshot, or restore a device from a CVD following hard drive replacement, file corruption, or format, or when the device is replaced.

Mirage provides disaster recovery in two key ways:

  • Restore files or the entire desktop to a previous CVD snapshot on an existing device. Files and directories are included in CVD snapshots in accordance with the upload policies currently in effect. See Working with Upload Policies.

  • Restore the hard drive on an existing or a replacement device:

    • Restore a CVD to the same device after a hard-drive replacement, file corruption, or format.

    • Restore the CVD to a replacement device.

When the CVD contains Encrypted File System (EFS) files, the files are recovered in their original encrypted form.


For better deduplication in the revert-to snapshot, the end user must be logged in during the restore Prefetch operation if the CVD contains EFS files.