You can use the System Report Utility to collect internal system log files, relevant registry entries, event logs, system information, and configuration information to troubleshoot issues that you might run into.

About this task

You can generate several types of system reports.

Table 1. Available Report Types



Full report

Collects the most comprehensive set of system logs, registry information, and system information. While helpful in troubleshooting confirmed problems, this report can be very large (containing several hundreds of MB of data), and is used only by special request from VMware Support.

Medium report

Used most frequently, this report type collects a limited set of system logs and system information. It is faster to generate and more resource efficient than the full report.

Logs only report

Returns a minimal set of log entries. Usually used in early troubleshooting stages to determine next steps.


Log in as an administrator.


  1. Run the report.



    From a server

    Run the sysreport batch file from the Mirage install directory, for example: C:\Program Files\Wanova\Mirage Server, and run the required script:

    • Full Report: sysreport_full.cmd

    • Medium report: sysreport_medium.cmd

    • Logs only report: sysreport_logs_only.cmd

    From a client

    Right-click the Mirage icon in the notifications area, select Tools, and select the report you want.

    The sysreport commands can be CPU-intensive, especially on the server, so an intermediate impact is generally expected. A CAB file containing all the logs is created at c:\

  2. Generate a system report for the Mirage Gateway server.



    sudo /opt/MirageGateway/bin/sysreport_logs

    Collects logs that include Mirage Gateway logs, and Mirage Gateway performance logs.

    sudo /opt/MirageGateway/bin/sysreport_full

    Collects logs that include Mirage Gateway logs, Mirage Gateway performance logs, and system logs.

    A ZIP file containing all the logs is created at