You can display all Mirage PowerCLI cmdlets, view examples of cmdlets usage, and view full descriptions for each cmdlet.
To list all Mirage PowerCLI cmdlets, type the Get-VICommand command in the PowerCLI console .
You can get help for a specific cmdlet by using the Get-Help cmdlet in the PowerCLI console. For example, to get help on the Connect-MirageServer cmdlet, type the Get-Help Connect-MirageServer
command in the PowerCLI console.
To view a sample of how the cmdlet is used, type the Get-Help Command -Examples
command in the PowerCLI console, where Command is the cmdlet, for example, Connect-MirageServer.
To view basic descriptions for a cmdlet, including command description, parameter description, and sample usage, type the Get-Help Command -Detailed
command in the PowerCLI console, where Command is the cmdlet, for example, Connect-MirageServer.
To view the full descriptions for a cmdlet, including the command description, parameter description, and sample usage, type the Get-Help Command -full
command in the PowerCLI console, where Command is the cmdlet, for example, Connect-MirageServer.