Restoring a standalone Mirage server is suitable for small-scale, standalone server setups where the database, storage and Mirage services are all co-hosted on the same server.

About this task

The procedure restores the complete Mirage server system from backup, including OS image, server software, storage and database.


  1. Restore the complete server system from a full disk image.
  2. Start the server in Windows Safe Mode.
  3. Set the VMware Server Service and VMware Management Service start type to Disabled.
  4. Start the server normally.
  5. Run the following command: Wanova.Server.Tools.exe ResetPendingBI .

    The ResetPendingBIIcommand stops the CVDs from downloading the pending base layers.

  6. Set the VMware Server Service and VMware Management Service start type to Automatic.
  7. Start the VMware server service and VMware management service.