You can provision pending devices using the Mirage PowerCLI.


  1. Run the Connect-MirageServer cmdlet to connect to the Mirage server.

    Connect-MirageServer ServerIPAddress Username Password -TrustUnknownCertificate

    ServerIPAddress is the IP address of the Mirage server, and Username and Password are the log-in credentials of the privileged user for the Mirage server.

  2. Select a Mirage volume for the CVD.
    1. Run the Get-MirageVolume cmdlet to retrieve the Mirage volumes, and note the name of the Mirage volume to assign to the CVD.
    2. Run the $volume = Get-MirageVolume 'VolumeName' | Select-Object -First 1 command

      volume is the name you select for this variable, and VolumeName is the name of the volume that you selected for the CVD.

  3. Select a Mirage policy for the CVD.
    1. Run the Get-MiragePolicy cmdlet to retrieve the Mirage policies, and note the name of the Mirage policy to assign to the CVD.
    2. Run the $policy = Get-MiragePolicy 'PolicyName'| Select-Object -First 1 command

      policy is the name you select for this variable, and PolicyName is the name of the Mirage policy that you selected for the CVD.

  4. Select a base layer for the CVD.
    1. Run the Get-MirageBaseLayer cmdlet to retrieve the Mirage base layers, and note the name of the base layer to apply to the CVD.
    2. Run the $baselayer = Get-MirageBaseLayer 'baselayername' | Select-Object -First 1 command.

      baselayer is the name you select for this variable, and baselayername is the name of the base layer that you selected for the CVD.

  5. Designate one or more pending devices for the CVD.
    1. Run the Get-MiragePendingDevice cmdlet to retrieve the pending devices, and note the names of the pending devices to assign to the CVD.
    2. Assign the pending devices to the $device variable.



    Assign one pending device to the CVD

    Run the $device = Get-MiragePendingDevice | Select-Object -First 1 command to retrieve the pending device.

    Assign one or more pending device to the CVD

    Run the $device = Get-MiragePendingDevice $devicefilters command.

    devicefilters are the filters for the devices to include in the CVD to retrieve the pending devices.

  6. Provision the pending device.



    Provision the device with domain join

    Run the $cvd = $device | New-MirageCVD -Policy $policy -Volume $volume -BaseLayer $baselayer -Domain $domain -User $domainuser -Password $domainpassword -Provision -Force command.

    Provision the device with a work group

    Run the $cvd = $device | New-MirageCVD -Policy $policy -Volume $volume -BaseLayer $baselayer -WorkGroup $workgroup -Force command.

    Provision the device with domain join and changing device's machine name

    Run the $cvd = $device | New-MirageCVD -Policy $policy -Volume $volume -BaseLayer $baselayer -Domain $domain -User $domainuser -Password $domainpassword -MachineNamePrefix $nameprefix -MachineNameStartIndex $nameindex -Provision -Force This cmd will provision the devices and change the machine name with parameter MachineNamePrefix and MachineNameStartIndex. For example, if MachineNamePrefix is “newmachine-“ and MachineNameStartIndex is 100, the new machine names would be newmachine-100, newmachine-101, etc.

    If Volume is not specified, the volume for the new CVD is selected automatically.

    cvd is the name you select for this variable. domain is the name of the domain that the migrated CVD is joining. domainuser and domainpassword are the login credentials for the domain that the migrated CVD is joining. workgroup is the name of the work group that you want the CVD to join.


The new CVD is created with the base layer that you specified in the New-MirageCvd command.