The system dashboard provides at-a-glance monitoring of system component status and operations, such as statistics about system activities, alerts, and indications of actions the administrator must carry out, as well as centralization and backup processes. It also assists the Protection Manager role to ensure that user devices are protected.

Most dashboard information is refreshed automatically every three minutes. You can also refresh key information indicators, such as system status, server status, and capacity use, by pressing F5.

System Status

The System Status area shows the number of unacknowledged events by severity (Critical, Warning, or Info) and source (Server or Clients).

System events are propagated from clients, the server, and the management service on the server. Warning and Info events provide advice or instructions that do not require urgent attention. You can click an event button to open the Event log view filtered according to the selected severity and source.


The Server area shows the Up or Down status of Mirage servers. The icon also reflects the server status.


MMC contains limited monitoring capabilities. It is recommended to use the Servers tab in the Mirage Web Management for status of Management Servers and their MongoDB databases.

Capacity Status

The Capacity Status area shows the number of devices according to the following statuses:

Table 1. Device Statuses




Number of devices pending restore or activation, irrespective of their connection status.


Number of activated devices that are online, excluding online devices pending restore.


Number of activated devices that are offline, excluding offline devices pending restore.

You can click the Pending label or counter to link to the Pending Devices window where you can view the pending devices and apply relevant actions.

An exclamation mark icon indicates license depletion. This occurs if the total number of pending plus online devices is greater than the licensed capacity.

Update Progress

The Update Progress area histogram shows the number of clients currently downloading updates or involved in restore activities, for example, following base layer assignment, enforcement, or update, and CVD restore. The information is presented in percentage progress ranges, from just started (0-20%) to almost completed (80-100%).

Totals of desktops finished downloading or currently downloading are also provided.

Table 2. Totals of Desktops Finished Downloading or Currently Downloading



Total Ready

Number of desktops that have finished downloading (reached 100%), or that have no pending download.

Total in Progress

Total number of desktops that are currently downloading or have an incomplete download pending network reconnection.

Data Protection

The Data Protection meter indicates the total protection level of the desktop deployment.

The gauge shows the ratio of total desktop content stored and protected at the server versus total desktop data at the endpoint in the process of synchronization. The gauge reflects information provided by online devices. Offline devices report the next time they connect.

Core Image Compliance

The Core Image Compliance meter indicates the total compliance level of your endpoints.

The gauge represents the percentage compliance of managed endpoints with their IT-approved base layer. Based on this information, you can enforce the base layer for one or many endpoints to bring them back into compliance and decrease the likelihood of end user problems.

Efficiency Benchmarks

The Efficiency Benchmarks area shows the actual traffic between the desktops and the server over the last 24 hours as a histogram.

Table 3. Efficiency Benchmark Histograms



Network Usage (In)

Shows upload traffic from desktops to server.

Network Usage (Out)

Shows the download traffic from server to desktops.

Each bar shows the total data for one hour. The bar representing the current hour shows total traffic from the start of the hour to the last dashboard refresh time.

Table 4. Information Provided in Each Histogram



Y axis

Data size in bytes, KB, MB, or GB, according to the maximum data transferred in the 24-hour span.

X axis

Time in hours, where each bar represents one hour.


Total traffic in the last 24 hours.


Hourly traffic average in the last 24 hours.


Hourly traffic peak in the last 24 hours.