You can set an upper limit on Mirage traffic so that Mirage does not consume all of the bandwidth of a site or subnet. When you use bandwidth limitation, you allocate your network resources more efficiently.

A bandwidth limitation rule contains parameters to set the limitations.

Table 1. Bandwidth Limitation Parameters




Uses the format IPaddress/bitmask, for example,

For site-based rules, leave this parameter blank.


Site or domain name of the group of clients for which to limit the bandwidth. The site is the DNS name.

Site names cannot contain special characters or non-English characters.

For subnet-based rules, leave this parameter blank.

Download limit

Maximum number of KBps that you can download from the server to the client.

Upload limit

Maximum number in KBps that you can upload from the client to the server.

Start Time

Time that the rule is applied, for example, 7:00 AM. The time is the local time of the endpoint. It can take up to five minutes after the start time for the rule to be applied.

End Time

Time that the rule is no longer applicable, for example, 9:00 PM. The time is the local time of the endpoint. It can take up to five minutes after the end time to revoke the rule.

Days of Week Time

The days of the week that the rule is valid, for example, Monday, Thursday, and Friday. The day is calculated according to the local time of the endpoint.

You write the rules in the format SubnetMaskV4,Site,Download Limit,Upload Limit, Start Time, End Time, Days of Week.

After you write rules, you import the rules to Mirage. You can also export existing rules to edit it, and import the edited rules to Mirage.

You can add a global limit rule that applies to all clients in the Mirage environment. For example,,,OutgoingKBps,UploadKBps.

To access the Bandwidth Limitation tab, in the Mirage Management console select System Configuration > Settings. Click Sample rules to view sample rules.

To add a rule using the Mirage Web management, click Add and edit the bandwidth limiting parameters. To edit a rule that you created, double-click the rule and edit the bandwidth limiting parameters.

You write the rules in a .csv file and import the file using the Mirage Web management. You write the rules in the format SubnetMaskV4,Site,Download Limit,Upload Limit, Start Time, End Time, Days of Week. Click Sample Rules to view a sample rule.

After you write rules, you import the rules by using the Mirage Web management. You can also export existing rules to edit the rules, and import the edited rules to the Mirage Web management. Imported rules replace and overwrite existing rules.

You can add a global limit rule that applies to all clients in the Mirage environment. For example,,,OutgoingKBps,UploadKBps.

Table 2. Rule Constraints and Limitations


Rule LImitations

No time constraint specified.

No time limit. Rule is applicable 24 hours on the days specified.

No day constraint specified.

No day limit. Rule is applicable every day on the time specified.

No time or day constraint specified.

Always applicable.



Zero (0).
