End users can start working as soon as a subset of data is resident on their endpoints. An end user or application request for a file that is not yet downloaded, takes priority over background transfers. When the file finishes downloading, the system notifies the end user that the file is available.

Restore processes take place in two phases: Restore Prefetch and Restore Streaming.

Restore Prefetch

The server downloads the minimal set of files and configuration required for the endpoint to boot to the CVD and connect to the network. This is called the Minimal Restore Set. End users can start working as soon as this subset of data is resident on their endpoints.

Restore Streaming

After the Minimal Restore Set is downloaded and reboot is completed, the server begins streaming the remaining CVD content to the endpoint in the background while the end user works. If the user or application request a file that is not yet downloaded, this request takes priority over background transfers.

The end user can view the streaming status of each downloading file by right-clicking the Mirage icon in the notification area and clicking Show Streaming Status.

When an end user opens a file which is not yet fully downloaded, the system notifies the user that the file is currently downloading. When the file finishes downloading, the system notifies the end user that the file is available.

The system might advise the end user to wait until the connection is reestablished.

CVD files which have not yet been streamed to the endpoint appear in Windows Explorer with the Offline icon overlay. This indicates that the files exist on a remote storage medium and that accessing them involves a network download delay.