You can restore a CVD after hard-drive replacement, file corruption, or format operation.


Install the Mirage client on the client machine. See the VMware Mirage Installation Guide.


  1. In the Mirage Management console, select Common Wizards > Disaster Recovery.
  2. Select Replace Hard Disk and click OK.
  3. Select the device you want to use for the restore operation and click Next.

    Only devices that are recognized as connected to CVDs and are pending restore are listed.

  4. Select a restore option and click Next.
    • To restore system files only, including the base layer, user-installed applications and user machine settings, select the Restore System Only check box.

      The user area content is not affected, and new files in the user area are not erased. User data in this option pertains to files and directories listed in the upload policies user area. See Working with Upload Policies

    • To restore the entire CVD, including the user area, from the CVD snapshot, deselect the Restore System Only check box.

      Any application, setting, or document in the current CVD that does not exist in the snapshot is erased from the endpoint.

  5. Click Finish.