When a storage volume reaches a certain capacity, Mirage blocks operations such as writing to a storage volume.

About this task

When this occurs, you can:

  • Increase the storage capacity by adding additional storage volumes to the Mirage Management console. Click System Configuration > Volumes to add storage volumes.

  • Change the storage capacity of existing volumes in the MirageManagement console. Click System Configuration > Volumes to manage storage volumes.

  • Delete CVDs from a storage volume.

  • Move CVDs to another storage volume.

You can configure Mirage system settings for storage volume thresholds and alerts to enable you to trigger events in the events log. For more information, see Configure the System Settings.

Additionally, inconsistencies may occur after a volume malfunction, such as following a network disconnect or storage access error. Performing a Single-Instance Storage (SIS) integrity procedure may help find and fix them.

When a volume state has changed to Malfunctioned, such as following a network disconnect or a storage access error, it is good practice to schedule a Single-Instance Storage (SIS) integrity procedure before mounting the volume on the system.

This procedure might take several hours to complete depending on the number of files on the volume. CVDs residing on the volume are suspended and base layers stored on the volume are not accessible during that time.

The SIS integrity procedure can also be run from C:\Program Files\Wanova\Mirage Server.


Verify that the volume is unmounted before performing any maintenance operations such as integrity checks. See Remove or Unmount Storage Volumes.


  1. Unmount the volume using the Unmount option.
  2. Run the SIS Integrity script from a Mirage server.
    1. Open the command window.
    2. Type
    C:\Program Files\Wanova\Mirage Server>Wanova.Server.Tools.exe

    SisIntegrity -full volume path

    For example:

    SisIntegrity -full \\apollo\vol100\MirageStorage


An SIS integrity check summary appears when the SIS Integrity script is completed.