You can generate and view reports on demand. Reports display the status of various Mirage operations.

You access, generate, import, and export reports from the Reports tab in the Mirage Web Management.

You can preview a report as a PDF. The preview displays in a new tab of the Web browser. Ensure that you disable pop-up blocker.

The maximum number of records that you can include in a report by default is 2,000. If the report includes more than 2,000 records, the report fails to generate. When you generate a report that contains more than 200 records, you receive a warning message that the procedure might take some time to generate. You can configure these parameters by editing the configuration files located in C:\Program Files\Wanova\Mirage Web Management\web.config.

  • <add key="ReportRecordCriticalThreshold" value="0"/>

  • <add key="ReportRecordWarnThreshold" value="0"/>

Centralization Progress

You generate the Centralization Progress report during the first phase of the Mirage deployment to view the progress of CVDs being centralized. The Centralization Progress report displays the centralization status of CVDs and the average time, average CVD size, and average data transfer size of completed CVDs during the specified time frame for the report.

OS Migration Process

The OS Migration Process report displays the number of CVDs that have started, are still pending, and have completed an OS migration procedure.

Endpoint Provisioning Progress Report

You generate the Endpoint Provisioning report to view the CVDs that are being provisioned and the CVDs that have completed provisioning during the specified time frame for the report.

Data Protection Status

You generate the Data Protection Status report to view the percentage of users' systems that are backed up.

The Data Protection Status report displays the data protection status of CVDs and lists the CVDs and users for whom an upload procedure is incomplete.

Custom Report

You can create a custom report based on your organization's requirements.

Branch Reflector Cached Layers

The Branch Reflector Cached Layer report displays the cached base and app layers of each branch reflector as well as the branch reflectors that do not have any cached layers.