You can migrate existing Windows XP or Windows Vista endpoints to Windows 7, existing Windows 7 endpoints to Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, and existing Windows 8.1 endpoints to Windows 10 by using the Mirage PowerCLI.
- Run the Connect-MirageServer cmdlet to connect to the Mirage server.
Connect-MirageServer ServerIPAddress Username Password -TrustUnknownCertificate
ServerIPAddress is the IP address of the Mirage server, and Username and Password are the log-in credentials of the privileged user for the Mirage server.
- Select a CVD to migrate.
- Run the Get-MirageCvd cmdlet to retrieve the Mirage CVDs, and note the name of the MirageCVD for which to migrate the OS.
- Run the
$cvd = Get-MirageCvd 'cvdname' | Select-Object -First 1
command.cvd is the name you select for this variable, and cvdname is the name of the CVD that you selected.
- Select a base layer for the CVD.
- Run the Get-MirageBaseLayer cmdlet to retrieve the Mirage base layers, and note the name of the base layer to apply to the CVD.
- Run the
$baselayer = Get-MirageBaseLayer 'baselayername' | Select-Object -First 1
command.baselayer is the name you select for this variable, and baselayername is the name of the base layer that you selected for the CVD.
- Migrate the OS on the specified CVD.
- Run the New-MirageOsMigration cmdlet to migrate the OS on the specified CVD.
Download only migration for the OS on the specified CVD with domain join
Run the
$migration = New-MirageOsMigration -CVD $cvd -BaseLayer $baselayer -Domain $domain -User $domainuser -Password $domainpassword -DownloadOnly -Force | Select-Object -First 1
command.Full migration for the OS on the specified CVD with domain join
Run the
$migration = New-MirageOsMigration -CVD $cvd -BaseLayer $baselayer -Domain $domain -User $domainuser -Password $domainpassword -Force | Select-Object -First 1
command.Download only migration for the OS on the specified CVD with a work group
Run the
$migration = New-MirageOsMigration -CVD $cvd -BaseLayer $baselayer -WorkGroup $workgroup -DownloadOnly -Force | Select-Object -First 1
command.Full migration for the OS on the specified CVD with a work group
Run the
$migration = New-MirageOsMigration -CVD $cvd -BaseLayer $baselayer -WorkGroup $workgroup -Force | Select-Object -First 1
command.migration is the name you select for this variable. domain is the name of the domain that the migrated CVD is joining. domainuser and domainpassword are the login credentials for the domain that the migrated CVD is joining. workgroup is the name of the work group that you want the CVD to join.
- Run the New-MirageOsMigration cmdlet to migrate the OS on the specified CVD.
- If you selected the download only migration option, apply the download only migration.
- Run the Apply-MirageOsMigration cmdlet to apply the migration.
Run this command after completing the download only migration.
- Run the
$cvd = Apply-MirageOsMigration $migration | Select-Object -First 1
command.cvd is the name you select for this variable, and migration is the variable returned by the previous download only migration.
- Run the Apply-MirageOsMigration cmdlet to apply the migration.
The CVD is migrated with the base layer that you specified in the New-MirageOsMigration command.