Users and applications might make changes to files and registry settings that were provisioned through a base layer or app layer. Sometimes these changes create problems with the desktop operation. In most cases, you can resolve the problem by enforcing the layer originally assigned to the CVD.

About this task

The Mirage client downloads only the relevant files and registry settings required to realign the CVD with the original layer. User profiles, documents, and installed applications that do not conflict with the layer content are preserved.

Enforcing all layers can also be set to remove user-installed applications residing in the machine area of the CVD. This ability is useful, for example, for fixing a problematic CVD in which all layer applications do not function because of overwritten or corrupted system files. Removing user applications deletes Machine Area files and registry keys that are not in the current base layer, with the exception of files defined in the user area policy.


  1. In the Mirage Web Management, select the device for which you want to enforce layers and click Enforce Layers.
  2. Select an option for the user applications, and click Next.



    Preserve user applications

    The system is restored to comply with the assigned layer while preserving user data. Use this option to preserve user applications and to retain the user-installed applications on the CVD.

    Remove user applications

    The system is restored to comply with the assigned layer while removing user data. Use this option to remove user applications and user-installed applications from the CVD.

  3. Use the validation summary to compare the target device with the CVD. This summary alerts you to any potential problems that require additional attention.

    You cannot proceed until blocking problems are resolved.

  4. At the confirmation prompt, click Finish.

    An Audit Event transaction is added to the device information list.