You can set the CVD compliance score to reflect changes in user installed applications, providing better visibility of unmanaged software running on the endpoints. The CVD compliance score is affected if the user install application are not managed by Mirage. This optional method to calculate the CVD compliance score can used only when configured.

To configure the method to calculate the CVD compliance score, run the following command:

wanova.server.Cli.exe localhost setConfigParam  uiaCompliance  true

When User Installed Compliance is enabled, CVD compliance score takes into account all apps that are installed on the endpoint (both user-installed apps and Managed apps that are delivered via Mirage layers). To explain this, the following parameters are defined:

  • Machine Manage Application (Machine_MA) = Applications that are currently installed on end point and are also part of the assigned base or app layer.

  • User Installed Applicaiton (UIA) = Number of apps that are not managed (not included in the assigned base or app layers).

  • CVD Managed Applications (CVD_MA) = Total number of applications that are assigned to the CVD by base and app layers.

When User Installed Compliance is enabled, CVD compliance score calculation is: Machine_MA /(CVD_MA + UIA)

In this mode, compliance score can drop in two cases:

  • When end-user removes managed applications (delivered via Mirage layers).

  • When end-user installs additional applications that are not part of Mirage base or app layers.

For example, a CVD assigned with a base layer containing ten line of business apps, while the end user installed additional two apps show a compliance score of 83% (10/12).