You can view information about branch reflectors and their connected peer clients.

About this task

The Branch Reflectors window shows the following information about peer client activity.

Downloading Peers

Shows how many peer clients connected to a branch reflector are downloading the base layer from this branch reflector.

Waiting Peers

Shows how many peer clients connected to a branch reflector are waiting to download.

Endpoints in excess of the maximum number of simultaneously downloading client peers allowed for this branch reflector are rejected and receive their download from another branch reflector or directly from the server. If you observe that the number of downloading peers is constantly close to the Maximum Connections, consider either increasing the Maximum Connections value or configuring another client in the site as a branch reflector.

The Connected Peers window shows the following information about connected peers clients:

  • Peer client identifiers

  • Peer client current activity, for example, waiting and downloading, and the progress of that activity.


  1. In the Mirage Management console tree, right-click System Configuration, and select Settings, and click the Branch Reflectors tab.
  2. Click on a branch reflector and select Branch Reflector > Show Connected Peers.