Before you apply a new base layer or replacing app layers, or both, for a CVD or collection of CVDs, you can run a report that describes the potential effects of the layer changes on the CVDs. This report can help you plan the layer update process and resolve in advance conflicts that might result from mismatches in layer contents on the selected CVDs.

About this task

The Comparison report is generated in HTML format and opened in your default Web browser. You can use Microsoft Excel to view the report and filter data. See Comparison Report Format.


  1. Select at least one base layer to use in the analysis and click Next.



    No change to the target base layer

    Analyzes only app layer changes.

    Select Base Layer from list

    1. Select to apply a new base layer to all the selected CVDs.

    2. Select the required base layer.

    If the selected CVDs have different base layers, this option standardizes the base layer over all the CVDs.

  2. Select at least one app layers to use in the analysis.



    Available Layers panel

    Lists the available app layers that are not currently used by any of the selected CVDs. When Show only latest layers is selected, older versions of any software are suppressed from the view.

    Assigned layers panel

    Lists the app layers currently used by some or all the selected CVDs. Black lines denote app layers used by all the CVDs, gray lines denote app layers used by only some of the CVDs.

  3. Select what to analyze.



    Analyze only a base layer change without app layer changes:

    Click Finish without making any changes in this page.

    Add app layers to all the selected CVDs:

    Select lines in the Available Layers panel and click the right arrow.

    Remove app layers from all the selected CVDs where they are used:

    Select lines in the Available Layers panel and click the right arrow.

  4. Click Finish.


The HTML report is generated and opened in your default Web browser.

What to do next

Review the listed changes and adjust the reference machine to avoid unintended consequences. In the case of downgrades, consider upgrading the relevant software to avoid software being downgraded on endpoints or CVDs excluded from the assignment.