AKO supports broadcasting Kubernetes events in order to enhance the observability and monitoring aspects of AKO as an ingress Controller.
Kubernetes events are stored objects that are generated by Controllers in response to various user actions. These events are stored in the Kubernetes store for 1 hour by default, but can be changed while configuring the kube-apiserver.
Avi Kubernetes Operator broadcasts events in order to:
To enhance debuggability.
Use events for better error reporting, for support and engineering team to report issue after analyzing event timeline.
Provide granular debugging on Ingress/Routes/SvcLB/Gateways and show their relationship with NSX Advanced Load Balancer virtual services, that AKO creates.
Control AKO event broadcasting using the enableEvents flag in the ConfigMap. By default, the Event broadcasting is enabled. However, this field can be disabled by updating the ConfigMap, which comes into effect without rebooting AKO.
Event Types
The events fired by AKO are segregated into two Event types:
Normal events are expected responses to certain user actions, that confirm a successful workflow. These type of events do not require any further user intervention.
A few examples of normal events are:
20m Normal ValidatedUserInput pod/ako-0 User input validation completed.
20m Normal StatusSync pod/ako-0 Status syncing completed
33s Normal Synced ingress/ingress1 Added virtualservice clusterName--Shared-L7-1 for bar.avi.com
Warning events are deviations from the normal workflow, and generally carry an Error message with it that tells more about what went wrong, and what needs to be fixed as part of it.
A few examples of a Warning events are:
23s Warning AKOShutdown pod/ako-0 Invalid user input [No user input detected for vipNetworkList]
Note:Regardless of the enableEvents setting in the ConfigMap, Warning events are always broadcasted through AKO.
Event Categories
AKO broadcasted events can be categorized into three classes, and are described as follows:
Pod events
Ingress/Route/ServiceLB/Gateway events
AKO CRD Events
Pod events
AKO broadcasts pod events referencing the AKO Pod. Pod events primarily consist of checkpoints that the AKO pod goes through, starting from bootup to the time it is ready to sync objects to the NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller. It also covers Warning type Events in case of any user input errors, and other issues that prevent a successful AKO bootup.
Ingress/Route/ServiceLB/Gateway events
These events are objects corresponding to which AKO creates virtual services in the NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller, for instance Ingress, Openshift Routes, Services of type load balancer and Gateway objects. These objects directly correspond to one or more virtual services created in NSX Advanced Load Balancer through AKO, and also receive a VIP for the virtual service, which is updated in the status of the respective objects. The events related to these objects are primarily Normal events, that tell the user when and which virtual service was created corresponding to the object. For example,
Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal Synced 6s avi-kubernetes-operator Added virtualservice ako-clusterName--Shared-L7-6 for foo.avi.com Normal Synced 4s avi-kubernetes-operator Added virtualservice ako-clusterName--bar.avi.com for bar.avi.com
Ingress in EVH mode
Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal Synced 5s avi-kubernetes-operator Added virtualservice ako-clusterName--ddd26961643229facf2b2d94d05e33519ed3fbfd for foo.avi.com Normal Synced 5s avi-kubernetes-operator Added virtualservice ako-clusterName--3aedd52095d8864d41be2264c181042b6fc58c28 for bar.avi.com
Service of Type LoadBalancer
Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal Type 68s service-controller ClusterIP -> LoadBalancer Normal Synced 64s avi-kubernetes-operator Added virtualservice ako-clusterName--default-avisvc-https for avisvc-https Normal Type 2s service-controller LoadBalancer -> ClusterIP Normal Removed 1s avi-kubernetes-operator Removed virtualservice for avisvc-https
Apart from the virtual services being created/removed corresponding to these objects, other Warning events can tell certain misconfigurations in the object, for instance, when an multiple Ingresses contain duplicate host paths.
Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Warning DuplicateHostPath 8s avi-kubernetes-operator Duplicate entries found for hostpath default/ingress1: foo.avi.com/path4 in ingresses: ["default/ingress1","default/ingress2"]
AKO CRD Events
These are events that are referenced to AKO CRDs, specifically the HostRule/HTTPRule CRDs. Once a CRD is created, the configurations mentioned in the CR are applied to a VS or a Pool. The CRD events tell, to which specific virtual service/pool, the HostRule/HTTPRule is applied. Example of a HostRule event is as follows:
Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal Attached 11s avi-kubernetes-operator Configuration applied to VirtualService ako-clusterName--3aedd52095d8864d41be2264c181042b6fc58c28
Helpful Commands
This section covers details around where to find the events, the commands that can be used, and how to filter AKO specific events. All Events created by AKO have a source specified as avi-kubernetes-operator, and reference a single object, based on the Event category discussed above. Check for Kubernetes events by using:
kubectl get events
Although this command shows all the events generated by various other Controllers in the cluster, events can be filtered within a namespace, or by referenced object name and so on. These filtering mechanisms are native to Kubernetes and are not AKO-specific. For example, to see Events generated for AKO Pod, use the following command:
kubectl get events -n avi-system --field-selector involvedObject.name=ako-0
Similarly for Ingresses use,
kubectl get events --field-selector involvedObject.name=ingress1
In addition to the kubectl get events command and the filters that come with it, you can also check the events for a particular object using the kubectl describe command. The describe command, very neatly aut-filters all the events corresponding to that object, and prints the output:
kubectl describe pod -n avi-system ako-0
kubectl describe ingress ingress1