This section lists the new features, issues resolved and known issues in AKO Version 1.11.3.

What’s New in AKO Version 1.11.3

  • Support for Kubernetes 1.28.

Issues Resolved in AKO Version 1.11.3

  • Certificate from hostrule CRD can not be assigned to L7 virtual service when AKO is deployed in dedicated mode.

  • An issue with accessing kube_api server, sets the delete_config flag to true, leading to the deletion of the existing virtual services and other resources from the Controller.

  • When HostRule, with an SSL certificate and no SSL-enabled listener ports attached to an insecure dedicated virtual service, the virtual service does not have 443 port to service secure traffic.

Known Issue in AKO Version 1.11.3

  • AKO does not create static routes when a value greater than 2147483647 is specified for the LocalAs (Local Autonomous System ID) field in the BGP profile, or the LocalAs or RemoteAs field in BGP peers. This scenario is applicable only when the BGP profile is specified for the VRF Context.