NSX Advanced Load Balancer uses Quagga for BGP based scaling of virtual services. Therefore, debugging or checking the BGP configuration or the status of the BGP peer was possible only by logging into the Quagga instance of the Service Engine.

For more information, see How to Access and Use Quagga Shell using VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer CLI.

To make debugging easier, you can view these commands from the NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller shell.

Viewing BGP/ BFD Configuration using the Controller

Log in to the Controller shell with your credentials and view the required BGP/BFD commands discussed as follows:

  • Advertised Routes

  • Peer Status

  • Peer Info

  • Running Configuration

  • BFD Session Status

Advertised Routes


Filters Applicable


  • vrf_ref

  • peer_ip

Use the command bgp advertised_routes to view the BGP routes advertised to configured peers:
[admin:1234-ctrl]: > show serviceengine bgp advertised_routes
| Field                | Value                                                               |
| vrf                  | global                                                              |
| namespace            | avi_ns1                                                             |
| advertised_routes[1] |                                                                     |
|   ipv4_routes        |  show ip bgp                                                        |
|                      | BGP table version is 0, local router ID is             |
|                      | Status code                                                         |
|                      | s: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, = multipath, |
|                      |                                                                     |
|                      |   i internal, r RIB-failure, S Stale, R Removed                     |
|                      | Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP,                                     |
|                      | ? - incomplete                                                      |
|                      |                                                                     |
|                      |    Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Pat    |
|                      | h                                                                   |
|                      | *>                  0         32768 i      |
|                      | *>                                                       |
|                      |                  0         32768 i                     |
|                      |                                                                     |
|                      | Total number of prefixes 2                                          |
|                      | 10-7                                                                |
|                      | 9-168-63#                                                           |
|                      |                                                                     |
|   ipv6_routes        |  show ipv6 bgp                                                      |
|                      | No BGP network exists                                               |
|                      | 10-79-168-63#                                                       |
|                      |                                                                     |
| Field                | Value                        |
| vrf                  | seagent-default              |
| namespace            | none                         |
| advertised_routes[1] |                              |
|   ipv4_routes        |  show ip bgp                 |
|                      | No BGP process is configured |
|                      | 10-79-168-63#                |
|                      |                              |
|   ipv6_routes        |  show ipv6 bgp               |
|                      | No BGP process is configured |
|                      | 10-79-168-63#                |
|                      |                              |

This is the generic advertised routes. To view the advertised routes for a specific VRF, use the vrf_ref filter as shown below:

admin:1234-ctrl]: > show serviceengine bgp advertised_routes filter vrf_ref global
| Field                | Value                                                 |
| vrf                  | global                                                |
| namespace            | avi_ns1                                               |
| advertised_routes[1] |                                                       |
|   peer_ip            |                                          |
|   ipv4_routes        |  show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes |
|                      | BGP table version is 0, lo                            |
|                      | cal router ID is                         |
|                      | Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, *    |
|                      |  valid, > best, = multipath,                          |
|                      |               i internal, r RIB-failure, S Stale, R   |
|                      |  Removed                                              |
|                      | Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete        |
|                      |                                                       |
|                      |    Network          Nex                               |
|                      | t Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path            |
|                      | *>                      |
|                      |         0    100  32768 i                             |
|                      |                                                       |
|                      | Total number of prefixes 1                            |
|                      | 10-79-168-63#                                         |
|                      |                                                       |
|   ipv6_routes        |  show bgp neighbors advertised-routes    |
|                      | % No such neighbor or address                         |
|                      |  family                                               |
|                      | 10-79-168-63#                                         |
|                      |                                                       |
| advertised_routes[2] |                                                       |
|   peer_ip            |                                           |
|   ipv4_routes        |  show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes  |
|                      | 10-79-168-63#                                         |
|                      |                                                       |
|   ipv6_routes        |  show bgp neighbors advertised-routes     |
|                      | % No such neighbor or address                         |
|                      | family                                                |
|                      | 10-79-168-63#                                         |
|                      |                                                       |

Peer-wise advertised routes are displayed on using vrf_ref.


Use the peer filter to view the advertised routes for a specific peer using show serviceengine <se_name> bgp advertised_routes filter vrf_ref <vrf_name> peer_ipv4 <peer_IP>.

Peer Status


Filters Applicable



When advertising BGP routes to peers, use the bgp peer status flag to check if the advertising was successful:
[admin:abc-ctrl]: > show serviceengine bgp peer_status
| Field       | Value                                                                            |
| vrf         | global                                                                           |
| namespace   | avi_ns1                                                                          |
| ipv4_status |  show ip bgp summary                                                             |
|             | BGP router identifier, local AS number 65000                        |
|             | R                                                                                |
|             | IB entries 3, using 336 bytes of memory                                          |
|             | Peers 2, using 9136 bytes of memory                                              |
|             |                                                                                  |
|             | Nei                                                                              |
|             | ghbor        V         AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down  State/PfxR |
|             | cd                                                                               |
|             |     4 65000       0       0        0    0    0 never    Active       |
|             |                                                                                  |
|             |    4 65000     281     283        0    0    0 04:38:38        0     |
|             |                                                                                  |
|             |                                                                                  |
|             | Total number of neighbors 2                                                      |
|             | 10-79-168-63#                                                                    |
|             |                                                                                  |
| ipv6_status |  show bgp summary                                                                |
|             | No IPv6 neighbor is configured                                                   |
|             | 10-79-168-63#                                                                    |
|             |                                                                                  |
| Field       | Value                |
| vrf         | seagent-default      |
| namespace   | none                 |
| ipv4_status |  show ip bgp summary |
|             | 10-79-168-63#        |
|             |                      |
| ipv6_status |  show bgp summary    |
|             | 10-79-168-63#        |
|             |                      |

The current state of the BGP peers on a ServiceEngine can be viewed using show serviceengine <Service Engine name>- bgp peer_state. This shows the peer status of all the VRF configured in the Service Engine.

show serviceengine bgp peer_state
| Field          | Value                              |
| vrf_name       | global                             |
| peers_state[1] |                                    |
|   peer_ip      |                      |
|   state        | BGP_PEER_ESTABLISHED               |
|   upOrDownTime | 4d21h59m                           |
| peers_state[2] |                                    |
|   peer_ip      |                      |
|   upOrDownTime |                                    |
| peers_state[3] |                                    |
|   peer_ip      |                       |
|   state        | BGP_PEER_IDLE                      |
|   upOrDownTime |                                    |
| peers_state[4] |                                    |
|   peer_ip      |                       |
|   state        | BGP_PEER_NOT_ESTABLISHED           |
|   upOrDownTime | 00:13:22                           |

Use show serviceengine <Service Engine name>- bgp peer_state filter vrf_ref global to filter by VRF.

The following information can be viewed using show serviceengine <Service Engine name> bgp peer_state:

  • BGP Peer IP

  • The State

  • Up or Down Time

The State of the BGP Peer can be one of the following:




  • This is the initial state and can be updated when refreshed

  • Not tracking due to peer/BGP shutdown


BGP session is UP.


BGP session is DOWN.

If the upOrDownTime is set to Never, BGP session has been down since the configuration of the peer.


Prefixes learnt from the peer exceeded the maximum limit. Check the VRF's configuration.


On the SE, for the VRF, no interface is configured with the peer's reachability network.


This feature provides peer states cached on SE. To update the interval, use serviceenginegroup->bgp_state_update_interval.

Peer Information


Filters Applicable


  • vrf_ref

  • peer_ipv4

  • peer_ipv6

Use the bgp peer_info flag to view BGP peer information:
[admin:1234-ctrl]: > show serviceengine bgp peer_info
| Field     | Value                                                                       |
| vrf       | global                                                                      |
| namespace | avi_ns1                                                                     |
| peer_info |  show ip bgp neighbors                                                      |
|           | BGP neighbor is, remote AS 65000, local AS 65                   |
|           | 000, internal link                                                          |
|           |   BGP version 4, remote router ID                                   |
|           |   BGP state = Activ                                                         |
|           |                                                                             |
|           |   Last read 05:01:23, hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds    |
|           |   Mes                                                                       |
|           | sage statistics:                                                            |
|           |     Inq depth is 0                                                          |
|           |     Outq depth is 0                                                         |
|           |                                                                             |
|           |  Sent       Rcvd                                                            |
|           |     Opens:                  0          0                                    |
|           |     Notifications:                                                          |
|           |       0          0                                                          |
|           |     Updates:                0          0                                    |
|           |     Keepalives:                                                             |
|           |         0          0                                                        |
|           |     Route Refresh:          0          0                                    |
|           |     Capability:                                                             |
|           |           0          0                                                      |
|           |     Total:                  0          0                                    |
|           |   Minimum time b                                                            |
|           | etween advertisement runs is 5 seconds                                      |
|           |                                                                             |
|           |  For address family: IPv4 Unicast                                           |
|           |   Comm                                                                      |
|           | unity attribute sent to this neighbor(both)                                 |
|           |   Inbound path policy configured                                            |
|           |   O                                                                         |
|           | utbound path policy configured                                              |
|           |   Route map for incoming advertisements is PEER_R                           |
|           | M_IN_100.64.50.3                                                            |
|           |   Route map for outgoing advertisements is *PEER_RM_OUT_100.64.             |
|           | 50.3                                                                        |
|           |   0 accepted prefixes                                                       |
|           |                                                                             |
|           |   Connections established 0; dropped 0                                      |
|           |   Last reset                                                                |
|           | never                                                                       |
|           | Next connect timer due in 4 seconds                                         |
|           | Read thread: off  Write thread: off                                         |
|           |                                                                             |
|           | B                                                                           |
|           | GP neighbor is, remote AS 65000, local AS 65000, internal link |
|           |   BG                                                                        |
|           | P version 4, remote router ID                                   |
|           |   BGP state = Established, up for 04:5                                      |
|           | 2:38                                                                        |
|           |   Last read 00:00:37, hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds    |
|           |                                                                             |
|           | Neighbor capabilities:                                                      |
|           |     4 Byte AS: advertised and received                                      |
|           |     Route refresh:                                                          |
|           |  advertised and received(old & new)                                         |
|           |     Address family IPv4 Unicast: advertised                                 |
|           | and received                                                                |
|           |     Graceful Restart Capabilty: advertised and received                     |
|           |       Remot                                                                 |
|           | e Restart timer is 120 seconds                                              |
|           |       Address families by peer:                                             |
|           |         none                                                                |
|           |   Gr                                                                        |
|           | aceful restart informations:                                                |
|           |     End-of-RIB send: IPv4 Unicast                                           |
|           |     End-of-RIB re                                                           |
|           | ceived: IPv4 Unicast                                                        |
|           |   Message statistics:                                                       |
|           |     Inq depth is 0                                                          |
|           |     Outq depth is                                                           |
|           | 0                                                                           |
|           |                          Sent       Rcvd                                    |
|           |     Opens:                  1                                               |
|           |   1                                                                         |
|           |     Notifications:          0          0                                    |
|           |     Updates:                2                                               |
|           |     1                                                                       |
|           |     Keepalives:           294        293                                    |
|           |     Route Refresh:          0                                               |
|           |       0                                                                     |
|           |     Capability:             0          0                                    |
|           |     Total:                297                                               |
|           |       295                                                                   |
|           |   Minimum time between advertisement runs is 5 seconds                      |
|           |                                                                             |
|           |  For address f                                                              |
|           | amily: IPv4 Unicast                                                         |
|           |   Community attribute sent to this neighbor(both)                           |
|           |   Inbound                                                                   |
|           | path policy configured                                                      |
|           |   Outbound path policy configured                                           |
|           |   Route map for incomin                                                     |
|           | g advertisements is PEER_RM_IN_100.64.50.21                                 |
|           |   Route map for outgoing advertiseme                                        |
|           | nts is *PEER_RM_OUT_100.64.50.21                                            |
|           |   0 accepted prefixes                                                       |
|           |                                                                             |
|           |   Connections establishe                                                    |
|           | d 1; dropped 0                                                              |
|           |   Last reset never                                                          |
|           | Local host:, Local port: 45618                                 |
|           | Fo                                                                          |
|           | reign host:, Foreign port: 179                                 |
|           | Nexthop:                                                       |
|           | Nexthop global                                                              |
|           | : fe80::250:56ff:fe91:feb0                                                  |
|           | Nexthop local: ::                                                           |
|           | BGP connection: non shared network                                          |
|           |                                                                             |
|           | Read thread: on  Write thread: off                                          |
|           |                                                                             |
|           | 10-79-168-63#                                                               |
|           |                                                                             |
| Field     | Value                  |
| vrf       | seagent-default        |
| namespace | none                   |
| peer_info |  show ip bgp neighbors |
|           | 10-79-168-63#          |
|           |                        |

View the Running Configuration


Filters Applicable



Use the command show serviceengine bgp running_config:
[admin:1234-ctrl]: > show serviceengine bgp peer_info
| Field     | Value                                                                       |
| vrf       | global                                                                      |
| namespace | avi_ns1                                                                     |
| peer_info |  show ip bgp neighbors                                                      |
|           | BGP neighbor is, remote AS 65000, local AS 65                   |
|           | 000, internal link                                                          |
|           |   BGP version 4, remote router ID                                   |
|           |   BGP state = Activ                                                         |
|           |                                                                             |
|           |   Last read 05:01:23, hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds    |
|           |   Mes                                                                       |
|           | sage statistics:                                                            |
|           |     Inq depth is 0                                                          |
|           |     Outq depth is 0                                                         |
|           |                                                                             |
|           |  Sent       Rcvd                                                            |
|           |     Opens:                  0          0                                    |
|           |     Notifications:                                                          |
|           |       0          0                                                          |
|           |     Updates:                0          0                                    |
|           |     Keepalives:                                                             |
|           |         0          0                                                        |
|           |     Route Refresh:          0          0                                    |
|           |     Capability:                                                             |
|           |           0          0                                                      |
|           |     Total:                  0          0                                    |
|           |   Minimum time b                                                            |
|           | etween advertisement runs is 5 seconds                                      |
|           |                                                                             |
|           |  For address family: IPv4 Unicast                                           |
|           |   Comm                                                                      |
|           | unity attribute sent to this neighbor(both)                                 |
|           |   Inbound path policy configured                                            |
|           |   O                                                                         |
|           | utbound path policy configured                                              |
|           |   Route map for incoming advertisements is PEER_R                           |
|           | M_IN_100.64.50.3                                                            |
|           |   Route map for outgoing advertisements is *PEER_RM_OUT_100.64.             |
|           | 50.3                                                                        |
|           |   0 accepted prefixes                                                       |
|           |                                                                             |
|           |   Connections established 0; dropped 0                                      |
|           |   Last reset                                                                |
|           | never                                                                       |
|           | Next connect timer due in 4 seconds                                         |
|           | Read thread: off  Write thread: off                                         |
|           |                                                                             |
|           | B                                                                           |
|           | GP neighbor is, remote AS 65000, local AS 65000, internal link |
|           |   BG                                                                        |
|           | P version 4, remote router ID                                   |
|           |   BGP state = Established, up for 04:5                                      |
|           | 2:38                                                                        |
|           |   Last read 00:00:37, hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds    |
|           |                                                                             |
|           | Neighbor capabilities:                                                      |
|           |     4 Byte AS: advertised and received                                      |
|           |     Route refresh:                                                          |
|           |  advertised and received(old & new)                                         |
|           |     Address family IPv4 Unicast: advertised                                 |
|           | and received                                                                |
|           |     Graceful Restart Capabilty: advertised and received                     |
|           |       Remot                                                                 |
|           | e Restart timer is 120 seconds                                              |
|           |       Address families by peer:                                             |
|           |         none                                                                |
|           |   Gr                                                                        |
|           | aceful restart informations:                                                |
|           |     End-of-RIB send: IPv4 Unicast                                           |
|           |     End-of-RIB re                                                           |
|           | ceived: IPv4 Unicast                                                        |
|           |   Message statistics:                                                       |
|           |     Inq depth is 0                                                          |
|           |     Outq depth is                                                           |
|           | 0                                                                           |
|           |                          Sent       Rcvd                                    |
|           |     Opens:                  1                                               |
|           |   1                                                                         |
|           |     Notifications:          0          0                                    |
|           |     Updates:                2                                               |
|           |     1                                                                       |
|           |     Keepalives:           294        293                                    |
|           |     Route Refresh:          0                                               |
|           |       0                                                                     |
|           |     Capability:             0          0                                    |
|           |     Total:                297                                               |
|           |       295                                                                   |
|           |   Minimum time between advertisement runs is 5 seconds                      |
|           |                                                                             |
|           |  For address f                                                              |
|           | amily: IPv4 Unicast                                                         |
|           |   Community attribute sent to this neighbor(both)                           |
|           |   Inbound                                                                   |
|           | path policy configured                                                      |
|           |   Outbound path policy configured                                           |
|           |   Route map for incomin                                                     |
|           | g advertisements is PEER_RM_IN_100.64.50.21                                 |
|           |   Route map for outgoing advertiseme                                        |
|           | nts is *PEER_RM_OUT_100.64.50.21                                            |
|           |   0 accepted prefixes                                                       |
|           |                                                                             |
|           |   Connections establishe                                                    |
|           | d 1; dropped 0                                                              |
|           |   Last reset never                                                          |
|           | Local host:, Local port: 45618                                 |
|           | Fo                                                                          |
|           | reign host:, Foreign port: 179                                 |
|           | Nexthop:                                                       |
|           | Nexthop global                                                              |
|           | : fe80::250:56ff:fe91:feb0                                                  |
|           | Nexthop local: ::                                                           |
|           | BGP connection: non shared network                                          |
|           |                                                                             |
|           | Read thread: on  Write thread: off                                          |
|           |                                                                             |
|           | 10-79-168-63#                                                               |
|           |                                                                             |
| Field     | Value                  |
| vrf       | seagent-default        |
| namespace | none                   |
| peer_info |  show ip bgp neighbors |
|           | 10-79-168-63#          |
|           |                        |

You can view the current BGP configuration for all VRFs.

BFD Session Status

BFD enables networking peers on each end of a link to quickly detect and recover from a link failure.


Filters Applicable



Use the show serviceengine <Service Engine IP address> bfd session_status command to check the details of the BFD packets and the BGP session.

The below is the output for the BFD session status on the NSX Advanced Load Balancer release priot to 21.1.2.

 show serviceengine bfd session_status
 | Field     | Value                             |
 | vrf       | global                            |
 | namespace | avi_ns1                           |
 | status    | There are 2 sessions:             |
 |           | Session 2                         |
 |           |  id=2                             |
 |           |  local= (active)      |
 |           |  remote=100                       |
 |           | .64.50.21                         |
 |           |  LocalState=Down*No Diagnostic*   |
 |           |  RemoteState=Down*No Diagnostic*  |
 |           |  L                                |
 |           | ocalId=1968595698                 |
 |           |  RemoteId=0                       |
 |           |  Time=Down(05:300:11.166)         |
 |           |  CurrentTxInterval=1              |
 |           | ,000,000 us                       |
 |           |  CurrentRxTimeout=0 us            |
 |           |  LocalDetectMulti=3               |
 |           |  LocalDesiredMinTx=1,0            |
 |           | 00,000 us                         |
 |           |  LocalRequiredMinRx=1,000,000 us  |
 |           |  RemoteDetectMulti=0              |
 |           |  RemoteDesire                     |
 |           | dMinTx=0 us                       |
 |           |  RemoteRequiredMinRx=1 us         |
 |           |                                   |
 |           | Session 1                         |
 |           |  id=1                             |
 |           |  local= (a            |
 |           | ctive)                            |
 |           |  remote=               |
 |           |  LocalState=Down*No Diagnostic*   |
 |           |  RemoteState=Down*                |
 |           | No Diagnostic*                    |
 |           |  LocalId=817711591                |
 |           |  RemoteId=0                       |
 |           |  Time=Down(05:300:19.723)         |
 |           |  Cu                               |
 |           | rrentTxInterval=1,000,000 us      |
 |           |  CurrentRxTimeout=0 us            |
 |           |  LocalDetectMulti=3               |
 |           |  Loca                             |
 |           | lDesiredMinTx=1,000,000 us        |
 |           |  LocalRequiredMinRx=1,000,000 us  |
 |           |  RemoteDetectMulti                |
 |           | =0                                |
 |           |  RemoteDesiredMinTx=0 us          |
 |           |  RemoteRequiredMinRx=1 us         |
 |           |                                   |
 | Field     | Value                 |
 | vrf       | seagent-default       |
 | namespace | none                  |
 | status    | There are 0 sessions: |
 |           |                       |

BFD Support for BGP Multi-hop

With NSX Advanced Load Balancer release 21.1.2, the BFD feature supports BGP multi-hop implementation. The below is the output for the BFD session status on the NSX Advanced Load Balancer release 21.1.2.

show serviceengine bfd session_status filter vrf_ref global
| Field     | Value                                          |
| vrf       | global                                         |
| namespace | avi_ns1                                        |
| status    |  show bfd peers                                |
|           | BFD Peers:                                     |
|           | peer                             |
|           | ID: 4                                          |
|           | Remote ID: 0                                   |
|           | Status: down                                   |
|           | Do                                             |
|           | wntime: 21 hour(s), 26 minute(s), 49 second(s) |
|           | Diagnostics: ok                                |
|           | Remote diagnostic                              |
|           | s: ok                                          |
|           | Local timers:                                  |
|           | Receive interval: 1000ms                       |
|           | Transmission interval: 300ms (confi            |
|           | gured 1000ms)                                  |
|           | Echo transmission interval: disabled           |
|           | Remote timers:                                 |
|           | Receive interv                                 |
|           | al: 0ms                                        |
|           | Transmission interval: 0ms                     |
|           | Echo transmission interval: 0ms                |
|           |                                                |
|           | 10-102-64-10                                   |
|           | #                                              |
|           |                                                |
  • The peer_ipv4/ peer_ipv6 filters must always be used with the vrf_ref filter.

  • The filters peer_ipv4 and peer_ipv6 can not be used together.

  • When an invalid vrf_ref is provided, it defaults to the management vrf and when an invalid peer filter is provided, an empty output is returned.

  • The status_level filter for the show serviceengine <Service Engine name> bfd session_status command is not supported.