The IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) monitor is used for IMAP services. After issuing CAPA (capabilities) and user authentication, the monitor uses the LIST command to get the folders present in the mail box. The IMAP monitor marks the server up on successful transfer and down in case of failure. When the folder is configured, the monitor fetches the first message present in the mailbox folder and marks the server up or down, based on the response from the server.

Configuring IMAP Specific Monitor

The following table lists the input fields needed for configuring IMAP specific monitor:



Optional/ Mandatory


Name of the folder present in mailbox.



Mail client username (present in general health monitor configuration under authentication).



Mail client password (present in general health monitor configuration under authentication).


SSL Attributes

Required for IMAPS (secure IMAP) monitor.

Mandatory for IMAPS (SSL Profile Attribute).


Currently, the IMAP Monitor can be configured only using the CLI.

Configuring Basic IMAP Health Monitor from CLI

The following example lists the mailboxes present, by sending LIST command after CAPA and user authentication:

[admin:avi-controller]: > configure healthmonitor example-basic-imap-hm
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor> type health_monitor_imap
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor> authentication
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor:authentication> username user1
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor:authentication> password jhkjgjgk
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor:authentication> save
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor> save

Configuring IMAPS Health Monitor from CLI

The following example configures the IMAPS health monitor in CLI:

[admin:avi-controller]: > configure healthmonitor example-imaps-hm
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor> type health_monitor_imaps
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor> imaps_monitor
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor:imaps_monitor> folder INBOX
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor:imaps_monitor> ssl_attributes
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor:imaps_monitor:ssl_attributes> ssl_profile_ref System-Standard
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor:imaps_monitor:ssl_attributes> save
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor:imaps_monitor> save
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor> authentication
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor:authentication> username user1
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor:authentication> password kjhkjhjkk
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor:authentication> save
[admin:avi-controller]: healthmonitor> save

The following are the SSL configurations used for the IMAP health monitor:

SSL Profile: Select an existing SSL profile or create a new one, as required. This defines the ciphers and SSL versions to be used for the health monitor traffic to the backend servers.

PKI Profile: Select an existing PKI profile or create a new one, as required. This is used to validate the SSL certificate presented by the server.

SSL key and certificate: Select an existing SSL Key and Certificate or create a new one, as required.