Often a single object or page may become stale, such as when a website is updated. Rather than invalidate or expire all objects from NSX Advanced Load Balancer’s HTTP content cache, only the impacted items should be invalidated. When the virtual service and pool are running on redundant or scaled-out SEs, purging the object from the cache will be performed on all applicable SEs for the pool.

The following commands show how to perform this action from the CLI.


  1. Check to see if the desired object exists within the cache. The truncated example below returns the stats from the object found in the cache.
    : > show pool prod-l7-pool httpcache filter resource_name analytics.js
    URI: /path1/analytics.js
     ctype: text/javascript
     raw_key: pool-0-4]avinetworks.com:/path1/analytics.js
     key: e6ce7ac2ab8668a8acc9f2d505281412
      data_size: 146398              meta_size: 172                 hdr_size: 414       body_size: 145984 
      date_time: 1449185388          last_mod_time: -1              etag: "-725089702"                                                  
        (Thu Dec  3 23:29:48 2015)     (Wed Dec 31 23:59:59 1969)                                                                       
      in_time: 1449187395            exp_age: 120                   init_age: 2007      last_used:             
        (Fri Dec  4 00:03:15 2015)     (Fri Dec  4 00:05:15 2015)                                                                       
  2. To clear the object from cache:
    : > clear pool prod-l7-pool httpcache resource_name analytics.js
  3. Validate the object has been removed from cache:
    : > show pool prod-l7-pool httpcache filter resource_name analytics.js