This section lists down the various GCP projects to be considered before deploying the NSX Advanced Load Balancer.

GCP Project Selection

To provision NSX Advanced Load Balancer on Google Cloud, you need to choose the location to create the Controllers and SEs on the GCP project(s).

GCP Projects are classified as:

  1. Controller Project

    • The Controller project will be used to create the Controller.

    • This project is required only if the Controller is in GCP.

  2. Service Engine Project

    The service Engines exist in this project. The following resources are created in this project:

    • The Service Engine image

    • The Service Engine virtual machines

    • The network load balancer, if the public Virtual IP (VIP) is configured

  3. Network Project

    The network project is where the GCP Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) exists and is used to,

    • Allocate IP for management and data NICs of the Service Engine virtual machines.

    • Create routes for VIP.

    • Create firewall rules.

  4. Storage Project

    • This project is required to create Google Cloud Storage (GCS) Buckets and Objects.

    • The Service Engine image will be uploaded to the buckets in this project.

    • Once the image is created in GCP, the buckets will be deleted.


The listed projects can be in the same GCP project or in different projects depending on the deployment topology.