This section describes the Customer Managed Encryption Key (CMEK) support for encrypting Service Engine (SE) disks for GCP cloud.

The NSX Advanced Load Balancer GCP Cloud supports encryption of the following resources. Different encryption keys are supported for each resource.

  • The GCS bucket created to upload the raw SE image file.

  • RAW SE image which is uploaded as GCS object.

  • The GCP image created out of the raw image.

  • The SE disk when SE is created.

When keys are added to the cloud configuration, the cloud connector checks for its presence and permissions of the keys. In case of validation failure for any key, the cloud goes to failed state. If the SE disk encryption key is deleted from the cloud after SEs are created, the corresponding SEs fail to boot up if it shuts down later.


Follow the steps below before using CMEK:

  1. Create a key in Google KMS.

  2. Provide permissions to the NSX Advanced Load Balancer cloud service account to use one of the following keys:

    a) cloudkms.cryptoKeys.get, or

    b) role: roles/cloudkms.admin

  3. Provide permissions to the following service accounts to enable Google compute and storage to use the key to encrypt or decrypt data:

    a) Permission

    i. cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.useToEncrypt

    ii. cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.useToDecrypt, or

    iii. role: roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter

    b) For GCS Object and Bucket encryption key, the following member must have the above permissions.

    i. service-[PROJECT_NUMBER]

    c) For SE Image and Disk encryption key, the following member must have the above permissions

    i. service-[PROJECT_NUMBER]

Cloud Configuration

To configure encryption key, set the encryption_keys field in the GCP cloud configuration. Though the encryption key can be in any GCP project, independent of the SE project, it must be in the same region as the SE or it can be global. The kms key ID must be in the format - projects/project-id/locations/region/keyRings/key-ring-name/cryptoKeys/key-name.

Configuration Fields

The following are the configuration fields:

gcs_bucket_kms_key_id    CMEK Resource ID to encrypt Google Cloud Storage Bucket. This Bucket is used to upload Service Engine raw image.
gcs_objects_kms_key_id   CMEK Resource ID to encrypt Service Engine raw image. The raw image is a Google Cloud Storage Object.
se_disk_kms_key_id       CMEK Resource ID to encrypt Service Engine Disks.
se_image_kms_key_id      CMEK Resource ID to encrypt Service Engine GCE Image.

Configuring GCP to use Encryption

While configuring the Google cloud, you need a key to be used for encryption. You can provide the key ID in an URI format as follows:

The following is the CLI format:

[admin:10-138-10-66]: > configure cloud gcp-cloud
[admin:10-138-10-66]: cloud> gcp_configuration
[admin:10-138-10-66]: cloud:gcp_configuration> encryption_keys
[admin:10-138-10-66]: cloud:gcp_configuration:encryption_keys> se_disk_kms_key_id projects/kms-project/locations/us-central1/keyRings/keyring/cryptoKeys/se-disk
[admin:10-138-10-66]: cloud:gcp_configuration:encryption_keys> gcs_bucket_kms_key_id projects/kms-project/locations/us-central1/keyRings/keyring/cryptoKeys/bucket
[admin:10-138-10-66]: cloud:gcp_configuration:encryption_keys> se_image_kms_key_id projects/kms-project/locations/us-central1/keyRings/keyring/cryptoKeys/se-image
[admin:10-138-10-66]: cloud:gcp_configuration:encryption_keys> gcs_objects_kms_key_id projects/kms-project/locations/us-central1/keyRings/keyring/cryptoKeys/se-raw
[admin:10-138-10-66]: cloud:gcp_configuration:encryption_keys> save
save[admin:10-138-10-66]: cloud:gcp_configuration> save
[admin:10-138-10-66]: cloud> save
| Field                        | Value                                  |
| uuid                         | cloud-d4513a65-0907-4f67-b75f-bb47a6990423                                                            |
| name                         | gcp-cloud                              |
| vtype                        | CLOUD_GCP                              |
| apic_mode                    | False                                  |
| gcp_configuration            |                                        |
|   cloud_credentials_ref      | gcp-creds                              |
|   region_name                | us-central1                            |
|   zones[1]                   | us-central1-a                          |
|   zones[2]                   | us-central1-b                          |
|   se_project_id              | development-237409                     |
|   network_config             |                                        |
|     config                   | INBAND_MANAGEMENT                      |
|     inband                   |                                        |
|       vpc_subnet_name        | subnet-1                               |
|       vpc_project_id         | net-project                            |
|       vpc_network_name       | net-1                                  |
|   vip_allocation_strategy    |                                        |
|     mode                     | ROUTES                                 |
|     routes                   |                                        |
|       match_se_group_subnet  | False                                  |
|   encryption_keys            |                                        |
|     se_image_kms_key_id      | projects/kms-project/locations/us-central1/keyRings/keyring/cryptoKeys/se-image                           |
|     se_disk_kms_key_id       | projects/kms-project/locations/us-central1/keyRings/keyring/cryptoKeys/se-disk                            |
|     gcs_bucket_kms_key_id    | projects/kms-project/locations/us-central1/keyRings/keyring/cryptoKeys/bucket                             |
|     gcs_objects_kms_key_id   | projects/kms-project/locations/us-central1/keyRings/keyring/cryptoKeys/se-raw                             |
| dhcp_enabled                 | True                                   |
| mtu                          | 1500 bytes                             |
| prefer_static_routes         | False                                  |
| enable_vip_static_routes     | False                                  |
| license_type                 | LIC_CORES                              |
| ipam_provider_ref            | ipam-gcp-cloud       		        |
| state_based_dns_registration | True                                   |
| ip6_autocfg_enabled          | False                                  |
| dns_resolution_on_se         | False                                  |
| enable_vip_on_all_interfaces | False                                  |
| tenant_ref                   | admin                                  |
| license_tier                 | ENTERPRISE_18                          |
| autoscale_polling_interval   | 60 seconds                             |

Modifying the Encryption Options

You can modify the encryption options on a cloud that is already created. The modifications include:

  1. Enabling/ Disabling encryption

  2. Changing the key for encryption

You can update the SE disk encryption key only if there are no SEs created for the GCP cloud.

Other encryption keys can be changed at any point. SE image is recreated in GCP with new encryption key if SE Image encryption key is updated.

  1. Key must be in URI format.

  2. SE Disk encryption key modification is allowed only if no SEs are created.

  3. Key region must be checked. It must be in the same region as the SEs or be global. You can copy the key ID from the Disk Encryption Key field in the GCP console.

Additional References