Faults represent issues occurring within the NSX Advanced Load Balancer system and depict the state at a specific moment in time. Each fault generates a system event, which is a historical representation of the occurrence. Faults must not be confused with alerts. While a fault represents an issue at a specific moment in time, alerts are generated based on expressions defined on events.

The faults available in the NSX Advanced Load Balancer System are:

  • Controller fault

  • Virtual service fault

  • Service Engine fault

Controller Fault

A Controller fault is a warning message which pops up when a user logs into the Controller. It pops up for as long as the error condition persists in the system.

For a specific login session, the user can choose to dismiss the fault warning window. In that case, it will not show for the duration of the specific session.

The Controller fault warns of the following conditions:

  • License timeline: This  warning is displayed for the following conditions:

    • Controller license expiring: The Controller license is about to expire in a day. The message displayed is License <license name> expiring.

    • Controller license expired: The Controller is working on a license which has already expired. The message displayed is License <license name> expired.

  • License limit: This warning is displayed for server-based and core-based licenses. It highlights the following conditions:

    • License limit expiring: The count of remaining licenses for the specific license type is less than 5. The message displayed is <Server based/Core based> license count exceeding soon.

    • License limit expired: No licenses are remaining in the Controller for the specific license type. The message displayed is <Server based/Core based> license count exceeded.

  • Controller cluster: This warning is displayed only when a node in the Controller Cluster is not in the active state. The following message is displayed:

    • Cluster State: HA_COMPROMISED, NO_HA, and so on.

    • Number of nodes having issues: For example, one node of cluster is not UP.

    • Detailed information of each node having issues: Name and current cluster state of the node.

  • Backup scheduler: This warning is displayed if the backup scheduler is not configured for the Controller.

Virtual Service Fault

A virtual service fault is a warning message which pops up on the virtual service page. It warns of the following conditions:

  • SSL certificate expiry: This warning is displayed for the SSL certificate associated with a particular virtual service. Two possible scenarios are:

    • SSL certificate expired: The message displayed is <SSL Certificate name> expired on <Date>.

    • SSL certificate expiring: The SSL certificate is going to expire in less than a month. The message displayed is <SSL Certificate name> expiring on <Date>.

  • Back-end server access from Service Engine: This warning is displayed if the pool state is UP, but there exists at least one Service Engine which is not able to access the back-end servers. A scaled-out virtual service will be placed on multiple Service Engines. All Service Engines must be able to access all the back-end servers configured for the pool. For each server in error, the message displayed is Server <Server name> not accessible from Service Engine(s) (comma separated list of Service Engines).

  • Scale-out: This warning is displayed when the total number of Service Engine(s) requested for scale-out is not equal to the number of Service Engines finally assigned to the virtual service.

  • Debug/trace on Virtual Service: This warning is displayed if debug logs or packet-level tracing is enabled on the virtual service. The message displayed is <Packet capture>/<Debug flags> enabled.

Service Engine Fault

A Service Engine fault is a warning message which pops up on the Service Engine page. It pops up till the time the error condition persists in the system.

The Service Engine fault warns of the following condition:

  • Debug/trace on Service Engine: This warning is displayed if debug logs or packet-level tracing is enabled on the Service Engine. The message displayed is <Packet capture>/<Debug flags> enabled.

Disable Inventory Faults

You can disable the inventory fault using the CLI. By default, all inventory faults are enabled.

The following is the CLI example to disable the inventory faults.

[admin:alert-ctlr]: > configure inventoryfaultconfig

Updating an existing object. Currently, the object is:
| Field                           | Value                                                     |
| uuid                            | inventoryfaultconfig-6b177095-ba46-4a08-a6aa-bed8809cbcfb |
| name                            | System-InventoryFaultConfig                               |
| tenant_ref                      | admin                                                     |
| controller_faults               |                                                           |
|   license_faults                | True                                                      |
|   cluster_faults                | False                                                     |
|   migration_faults              | True                                                      |
|   backup_scheduler_faults       | True                                                      |
|   sslprofile_faults             | True                                                      |
|   deprecated_api_version_faults | True                                                      |
| serviceengine_faults            |                                                           |
|   debug_faults                  | False                                                     |
[admin:alert-ctlr]: inventoryfaultconfig>
[admin:alert-ctlr]: inventoryfaultconfig>
controller_faults       (submode)
serviceengine_faults    (submode)
virtualservice_faults   (submode)
[admin:alert-ctlr]: inventoryfaultconfig> virtualservice_faults
[admin:alert-ctlr]: inventoryfaultconfig:virtualservice_faults> no
debug_faults             Enable debug faults
pool_server_faults       Enable pool server faults
scaleout_faults          Enable VS scaleout and scalein faults
shared_vip_faults        Enable shared vip faults
show_schema              show object schema
ssl_cert_expiry_faults   Enable SSL certificate expiry faults
ssl_cert_status_faults   Enable SSL certificate status faults
[admin:alert-ctlr]: inventoryfaultconfig:virtualservice_faults> no ssl_cert_expiry_faults
| Field                  | Value |
| ssl_cert_expiry_faults | False |
[admin:alert-ctlr]: inventoryfaultconfig:virtualservice_faults> save
[admin:alert-ctlr]: inventoryfaultconfig> save
| Field                           | Value                                                     |
| uuid                            | inventoryfaultconfig-6b177095-ba46-4a08-a6aa-bed8809cbcfb |
| name                            | System-InventoryFaultConfig                               |
| tenant_ref                      | admin                                                     |
| virtualservice_faults           |                                                           |
|   pool_server_faults            | True                                                      |
|   scaleout_faults               | True                                                      |
|   shared_vip_faults             | True                                                      |
|   ssl_cert_expiry_faults        | False                                                     |
|   ssl_cert_status_faults        | True                                                      |
|   debug_faults                  | True                                                      |
| controller_faults               |                                                           |
|   license_faults                | True                                                      |
|   cluster_faults                | False                                                     |
|   migration_faults              | True                                                      |
|   backup_scheduler_faults       | True                                                      |
|   sslprofile_faults             | True                                                      |
|   deprecated_api_version_faults | True                                                      |
| serviceengine_faults            |                                                           |
|   debug_faults                  | False                                                     |
[admin:alert-ctlr]: >