An NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller cluster continuously collects CPU, disk, and memory utilization metrics from the cluster nodes. When the usage threshold is exceeded, a system alert is raised to notify the admin.

By default, this threshold has been preconfigured to be 85% for CPU, disk, and memory. In some deployments, this predefined threshold may not be conservative enough, and a lower value is desired. The following will provide an example of modifying these thresholds to meet your deployment’s requirements.

Threshold Configuration Options

Custom thresholds can independently be defined for:




When defining the configuration, there are two threshold options to be aware of:

  • watermark_thresholds: Threshold value for which event is raised. There can be multiple thresholds defined. Health score degrades when the target is higher than this threshold.

  • reset_thresholds: The value used to reset the event state machine.

Configure Controller Thresholds

The following configuration provides an example of overwriting the default values. This example will configure a watermark_threshold of 75 and a reset_threshold of 60 for CPU, disk, and memory. With this configuration, if resource utilization of any of these three exceeds 75%, an alert will be raised for that resource. Once utilization drops below 60%, the alert will be reset.

[admin:controller]: > configure systemconfiguration 
[admin:controller]: systemconfiguration> controller_analytics_policy
[admin:controller]: systemconfiguration:controller_analytics_policy> metrics_event_thresholds
[admin:controller]: systemconfiguration:controller_analytics_policy> metrics_event_thresholds metrics_event_threshold_type controller_cpu_threshold 
New object being created
[admin:controller]: systemconfiguration:controller_analytics_policy:metrics_event_thresholds> reset_threshold 60 watermark_thresholds 75
[admin:controller]: systemconfiguration:controller_analytics_policy:metrics_event_thresholds> save

[admin:controller]: systemconfiguration:controller_analytics_policy> metrics_event_thresholds metrics_event_threshold_type controller_mem_threshold 
New object being created
[admin:controller]: systemconfiguration:controller_analytics_policy:metrics_event_thresholds> reset_threshold 60 watermark_thresholds 75
[admin:controller]: systemconfiguration:controller_analytics_policy:metrics_event_thresholds> save

[admin:controller]: systemconfiguration:controller_analytics_policy> metrics_event_thresholds metrics_event_threshold_type controller_disk_threshold 
New object being created
[admin:controller]: systemconfiguration:controller_analytics_policy:metrics_event_thresholds> reset_threshold 60 watermark_thresholds 75
[admin:controller]: systemconfiguration:controller_analytics_policy:metrics_event_thresholds> save
[admin:controller]: systemconfiguration:controller_analytics_policy> save
[admin:controller]: systemconfiguration> save

| Field                            | Value                              |

| controller_analytics_policy      |                                    |
|   metrics_event_thresholds[1]    |                                    |
|     reset_threshold              | 60.0                               |
|     watermark_thresholds[1]      | 75                                 |
|     metrics_event_threshold_type | CONTROLLER_CPU_THRESHOLD           |
|   metrics_event_thresholds[2]    |                                    |
|     reset_threshold              | 60.0                               |
|     watermark_thresholds[1]      | 75                                 |
|     metrics_event_threshold_type | CONTROLLER_MEM_THRESHOLD           |
|   metrics_event_thresholds[3]    |                                    |
|     reset_threshold              | 60.0                               |
|     watermark_thresholds[1]      | 75                                 |
|     metrics_event_threshold_type | CONTROLLER_DISK_THRESHOLD          |