For the Controller cluster to come up with the new IPs, follow the steps below.

  1. Change the IP address of each Controller node within the cluster to the new IP by manually editing the network-scripts on the host and changing the interface configuration.

    For instance, /etc/network/interfaces/ file on NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller virtual machine must be modified as follows (if using static IP):

    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback
    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
     address <ipv4 address>
     netmask 24
     gateway <ipv4 gw>
  2. Ensure that the new Controller IP addresses are reachable in the network from the other Controller nodes.

  3. Run /opt/avi/python/bin/cluster_mgr/ on the Controller to reflect the above IP address change.

  4. Reboot the Controller.

The above procedure is for a single node cluster specified in step 2. For a three-node cluster deployment, change the IPs on all the Controllers and run the command as shown below from any Controller node to update NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller IP information for a cluster:

username@avi:~$ -i **ipaddr **-o ipaddr -o ipaddr


  • -i ipaddr: Specifies the new IP address of the node on which the script is run.

  • -o ipaddr: Specifies the IP address of another node in the cluster.

  • -m subnet-mask: If the subnet also changed, use this option to specify the new subnet. Enter the mask in the following format:

  • -g gateway-ipaddr: If the default gateway also changed, use this option to specify the new gateway.