The NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller enforces feature restrictions for each edition. Therefore, configuration needs to adhere to Basic edition for the transition from Enterprise edition to Basic edition to be allowed.

The following is the sample output for the configuration audit API. The following output exhibits the configuration and features which are not supported in the Basic Edition. Perform the required actions as per the output, before proceeding with the license edition change.

[admin:ctrl]: > show configuration audit tier basic
| Object Type        | Name          | License Violations                                                                                                                               |
| VirtualService     | vs-1          | Object refers to system default object marked for removal: StringGroup System-Rewritable-Content-Types                                           |
|                    |               | Field VirtualService.analytics_policy.full_client_logs.enabled cannot have True as its value in BASIC license tier. Allowed value: False.        |
|                    |               | Field VirtualService.enable_autogw cannot have True as its value in BASIC license tier. Allowed value: False.                                    |
|                    |               | Field VirtualService.content_rewrite cannot be set in BASIC license tier.                                                                        |
|                    |               | Field VirtualService.sideband_profile cannot be set in BASIC license tier.                                                                       |
|                    |               |                                                                                                                                                  |
| ServiceEngineGroup | Default-Group | Field ServiceEngineGroup.ha_mode cannot have HA_MODE_SHARED as its value in BASIC license tier. Allowed value(s): HA_MODE_LEGACY_ACTIVE_STANDBY. |
|                    |               | Field ServiceEngineGroup.hm_on_standby cannot have True as its value in BASIC license tier. Allowed value: False.                                |
|                    |               | Field ServiceEngineGroup.app_cache_percent cannot have 10 as its value in BASIC license tier. Allowed value: 0.                                  |
|                    |               |                                                                                                                                                  |
| Pool               | vs-1-pool     | Field Pool.connection_ramp_duration cannot have 10 as its value in BASIC license tier. Allowed value: 0.                                         |
|                    |               |                                                                                                                                                  |

The following are the additional points to check while changing the default licensing tier from the Enterprise Edition to the Basic Edition.

  • Save the backup configuration before changing the licensing edition.

  • The changing of license editions is supported only for NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controllers and SEs on the same base version. The Controller and SEs on different patch versions are also supported for the license tier change option.



The Basic Edition of Avi Load Balancer (formerly known as NSX Advanced Load Balancer) has reached its End of Availability (EoA) date on Jan 30th, 2024. The changes only apply to the Basic Edition of Avi Load Balancer. For additional details, please visit

A config audit tool is introduced to check the configurations that are not supported for the target edition. Run the configuration audit API to identify the Enterprise Edition features that need to be removed and resolve them before changing the edition from Enterprise to Basic.

The configuration audit API performs licensing checks on all the objects in the system and reports various violations. It ignores the violations in system default objects because they are handled internally.

Use the NSX Advanced Load Balancer CLI or the REST API to check the unsupported configuration and take the required actions:

  • CLI: show configuration audit tier <tier_name>

  • REST API: /api/config-audit/tier/ <tier_name>