The NSX Advanced Load Balancer can be configured to use your proxy settings while communicating with Cloud Console. Navigate to and click EDIT button.
This will allow you to add settings for your proxy.
See Prerequisites for more details on the connectivity requirements and ensure that rules are configured in both directions.
You can also configure the proxy parameters at the command shell as follows. For more details on accessing the command line, see CLI Access section in the Administration guide.
[admin:controller]: > configure systemconfiguration [admin:controller]: systemconfiguration> proxy_configuration [admin:controller]: systemconfiguration:proxy_configuration> host <FORWARD_PROXY_IP_OR_FQDN> [admin:controller]: systemconfiguration:proxy_configuration> port <FORWARD_PROXY_PORT> [admin:controller]: systemconfiguration:proxy_configuration> username <FORWARD_PROXY_USER> [admin:controller]: systemconfiguration:proxy_configuration> password <FORWARD_PROXY_PASSWORD> [admin:controller]: systemconfiguration:proxy_configuration> save [admin:controller]: systemconfiguration> save [admin:controller]: > configure albservicesconfig [admin:controller]: albservicesconfig> no use_split_proxy Overwriting the previously entered value for use_split_proxy [admin:controller]: albservicesconfig> no split_proxy_configuration [admin:controller]: albservicesconfig> save