This section covers the specific configuration for HTTPS health monitor type.

The HTTPS monitor type can be used to validate the health of HTTPS encrypted web servers. Use this monitor when NSX Advanced Load Balancer is either passing SSL encrypted traffic directly from clients to servers, or NSX Advanced Load Balancer is providing SSL encryption between itself and the servers.

Creating or Editing HTTPS Health Monitor

You can edit the HTTP health monitor by checking the System-HTTPS box and then click the edit icon.

To create a new HTTP health monitor, click Create button. Select the HTTPS option from the drop-down list of the Type field. The following screen is displayed:

You can specify the following details related to HTTPS settings:

  • SSL Attributes — Check this box to specify SSL attributes for HTTPS health monitor. The system allows SSL encrypted traffic to pass to servers without decrypting in the load balancer (the SE).

  • TLS SNI Server Name — Specify a fully qualified DNS hostname that will be used in the TLS SNI extension in server connections indicating that SNI is enabled. If you do not specify any value, the system will inherit the value from the pool.

  • SSL Profile — Select the SSL profile from the drop-down list. SSL profile defines ciphers and SSL versions to be used for health monitor traffic to the back-end servers. The following are the options in the drop-down list:

    • System Standard

    • System Standard Portal

  • PKI Profile — Select the PKI profile from the drop-down list. PKI profile is used to validate the SSL certificate presented by a server.

  • SSL Key and Certificate — Select SSL key and certification options from the drop-down list. Service engines will present this SSL certificate to the server. The following are the options in the drop-down list:

    • System Default Certificate

    • System Default Certificate EC

    • System Default Portal Certificate

    • System Default Portal Certificate EC256

    • System Default Root CS

    • System Default Secure Channel Certificate

For more details on other fields in the HTTPS section, refer to Configuring HTTP Health Monitor section in this guide.