The fail actions are defined in this tab.

In Create Pool window, click Fail Action tab.

  • Close Connection — If all servers in a pool are down, the default behavior of the virtual service is to close new client connection attempts by issuing TCP resets or dropping UDP packets. Existing connections are not terminated, even though their server is marked down. The assumption is the server may be slow but may still be able to continue processing the existing client connection.

  • HTTP Local Response — Returns a simple web page. Specify a status code of 200 or 503. If a custom HTML file has not been uploaded to NSX Advanced Load Balancer, it will return a basic page with the error code.

    • Status Code — Select 200 or 503 from the pull-down.

    • Upload File — Click the button to navigate to and select an HTML page to be returned as the SE-local response.


You can upload any type of file as a local response. Configure a local file using the UI. To update the local file using API, encode the base64 file out of band and use the encoded format in the API.

  • HTTP Redirect — Returns a redirect HTTP response code, including a specified URL.

    • Status Code — Choose 301, 302, or 307 from the pull-down.

    • HTTP/HTTPS — By default NSX Advanced Load Balancer will redirect through HTTPS unless HTTP is clicked instead.

    • URL — Enter a URL of the format


A virtual service is marked up when at least one of the pools associated with the virtual service is up, or if there are redirect- policies that do not need pools. The mere presence of pool-down action by itself does not mark the virtual service up.

You can specify the minimum threshold parameters for a pool to make it serviceable. For more information, view Parameters to Mark a Virtual Service or Pool Up.

If a virtual service is marked down, and any of the following situations apply, then the pool-down action is not triggered:

  1. “Remove Listening Port when VS Down” setting on the VS: When this is set, and the VS is down, the dispatcher drops the packets, and the pool-down action is not triggered.

  2. BGP cases: When the virtual service is marked down, BGP withdraws route to the virtual service from the peer. The peer does not send any traffic to this SE.

  3. ECMP case (without route summarization): When the virtual service is marked down, the Controller withdraws the VS from the router. As a result, the router does not send any traffic to this SE.