This section discusses about the client IP persistence and its configuration.

The client IP address mode of persistence can be applied to any virtual service, regardless of TCP or UDP. With this persistence method, NSX Advanced Load Balancer SEs will stick the client to the same server for the configurable duration of time and store the mapping in a local database.

See Persistence for descriptions of other persistence methods and options.

Persist Table

Since client IP persistence is stored locally on each SE, larger tables will consume more memory. For extensive persist tables, consider adding additional memory to the SEs through the SE Group Properties for SE memory and through the Infrastructure > Service Engine Group > Edit > Memory Allocation.

The client IP persistence table is automatically mirrored to all Service Engines supporting the virtual service and pool configured with this persistence type. To validate if a client IP address is currently persisted, from the CLI use the following command to view entries in the table.

The following example searches the persistence table for the test-pool, searching for client

show pool test-pool persistence | grep

Configuration Options

  • Name: A unique name for the persistence profile.

  • Description: An optional, custom description for the profile.

  • Type: TLS. Changing the type will change the profile to another persistence method.

  • Select New Server When Persistent Server Down: If a server is marked DOWN, such as by a health monitor or when it has reached a connection limit, the existing persisted users must continue to be sent to the server or load balanced to a new server?

    • Immediate: NSX Advanced Load Balancer immediately selects a new server to replace the one marked DOWN and switches the persistence entry to the new server.

    • Never: No replacement server will be selected. Persistent entries will be required to expire normally based on the persistence type.

  • Persistence Timeout: NSX Advanced Load Balancer keeps the persistence value for the configured time once a client has closed any open connections to the virtual service. Once the time has expired without the client reconnecting, the entry is expired from the persist table. If the client reconnects before the timeout has expired, they are persisted to the same server, and the timeout is canceled. The default timeout value is 5 minutes.