This section covers the configuration steps for topology policy to select the GSLB Service pool using NSX Advanced Load Balancer CLI.

To configure the topology policy to select the GSLB service pool:


  1. Enable topology policy at GSLB Service level by setting the topology_policy_enabled knob to True.
    [admin:ctrl]: > configure gslbservice GS-1
     Updating an existing object. Currently, the object is:
     | Field                            | Value                                            |
     | uuid                             | gslbservice-88ad049f-e188-40f3-90de-235c6cb676a2 |
     | name                             | GS-1                                             |
     | domain_names[1]                  |                                      |
     | groups[1]                        |                                                  |
     |   name                           | GS-1-pool-1                                      |
     |   priority                       | 9                                                |
     |   algorithm                      | GSLB_ALGORITHM_CONSISTENT_HASH                   |
     |   members[1]                     |                                                  |
     |     ip                           |                                       |
     |     ratio                        | 1                                                |
     |     enabled                      | True                                             |
     |     resolve_fqdn_to_v6           | False                                            |
     |     preference_order             | 2                                                |
     |   members[2]                     |                                                  |
     |     ip                           |                                       |
     |     ratio                        | 1                                                |
     |     enabled                      | True                                             |
     |     resolve_fqdn_to_v6           | False                                            |
     |     preference_order             | 4                                                |
     |   enabled                        | True                                             |
     | groups[2]                        |                                                  |
     |   name                           | GS-1-pool-2                                      |
     |   priority                       | 10                                               |
     |   algorithm                      | GSLB_ALGORITHM_ROUND_ROBIN                       |
     |   members[1]                     |                                                  |
     |     ip                           |                                       |
     |     ratio                        | 1                                                |
     |     enabled                      | True                                             |
     |     resolve_fqdn_to_v6           | False                                            |
     |     preference_order             | 1                                                |
     |   members[2]                     |                                                  |
     |     ip                           |                                       |
     |     ratio                        | 1                                                |
     |     enabled                      | True                                             |
     |     resolve_fqdn_to_v6           | False                                            |
     |     preference_order             | 1                                                |
     |   enabled                        | True                                             |
     | down_response                    |                                                  |
     |   type                           | GSLB_SERVICE_DOWN_RESPONSE_NONE                  |
     | controller_health_status_enabled | True                                             |
     | health_monitor_scope             | GSLB_SERVICE_HEALTH_MONITOR_ALL_MEMBERS          |
     | enabled                          | True                                             |
     | use_edns_client_subnet           | True                                             |
     | wildcard_match                   | False                                            |
     | site_persistence_enabled         | False                                            |
     | pool_algorithm                   | GSLB_SERVICE_ALGORITHM_PRIORITY                  |
     | min_members                      | 0                                                |
     | resolve_cname                    | False                                            |
     | is_federated                     | True                                             |
     | tenant_ref                       | admin                                            |
     [admin:ctrl]: gslbservice> topology_policy_enabled
     [admin:ctrl]: gslbservice> save

    The GSLB service is configured as shown below:

     | Field                            | Value                                            |
     | uuid                             | gslbservice-88ad049f-e188-40f3-90de-235c6cb676a2 |
     | name                             | GS-1                                             |
     | domain_names[1]                  |                                      |
     | groups[1]                        |                                                  |
     |   name                           | GS-1-pool-1                                      |
     |   priority                       | 9                                                |
     |   algorithm                      | GSLB_ALGORITHM_CONSISTENT_HASH                   |
     |   members[1]                     |                                                  |
     |     ip                           |                                       |
     |     ratio                        | 1                                                |
     |     enabled                      | True                                             |
     |     resolve_fqdn_to_v6           | False                                            |
     |     preference_order             | 2                                                |
     |   members[2]                     |                                                  |
     |     ip                           |                                       |
     |     ratio                        | 1                                                |
     |     enabled                      | True                                             |
     |     resolve_fqdn_to_v6           | False                                            |
     |     preference_order             | 4                                                |
     |   enabled                        | True                                             |
     | groups[2]                        |                                                  |
     |   name                           | GS-1-pool-2                                      |
     |   priority                       | 10                                               |
     |   algorithm                      | GSLB_ALGORITHM_ROUND_ROBIN                       |
     |   members[1]                     |                                                  |
     |     ip                           |                                       |
     |     ratio                        | 1                                                |
     |     enabled                      | True                                             |
     |     resolve_fqdn_to_v6           | False                                            |
     |     preference_order             | 1                                                |
     |   members[2]                     |                                                  |
     |     ip                           |                                       |
     |     ratio                        | 1                                                |
     |     enabled                      | True                                             |
     |     resolve_fqdn_to_v6           | False                                            |
     |     preference_order             | 1                                                |
     |   enabled                        | True                                             |
     | down_response                    |                                                  |
     |   type                           | GSLB_SERVICE_DOWN_RESPONSE_NONE                  |
     | controller_health_status_enabled | True                                             |
     | health_monitor_scope             | GSLB_SERVICE_HEALTH_MONITOR_ALL_MEMBERS          |
     | enabled                          | True                                             |
     | use_edns_client_subnet           | True                                             |
     | wildcard_match                   | False                                            |
     | site_persistence_enabled         | False                                            |
     | pool_algorithm                   | GSLB_SERVICE_ALGORITHM_PRIORITY                  |
     | min_members                      | 0                                                |
     | resolve_cname                    | False                                            |
     | is_federated                     | True                                             |
     | tenant_ref                       | admin                                            |
     | topology_policy_enabled          | True                                             |
     [admin:ctrl]: >
  2. Configure topology policy rule for GSLB service group selection.
    1. Use the gs_group_selection command to select a GSLB service pool or group for matching DNS query.
    2. Use the group_name command to add GSLB service group name.
      [admin:ctrl]: > configure dnspolicy dns-vs-TopologyPolicy-0
       Updating an existing object. Currently, the object is:
       | Field      | Value                                          |
       | uuid       | dnspolicy-e3aae711-7617-439f-912a-dea3945d39e1 |
       | name       | dns-vs-TopologyPolicy-0                        |
       | tenant_ref | admin                                          |
       [admin:ctrl]: dnspolicy> rule
       New object being created
       [admin:ctrl]: dnspolicy:rule>  name "Rule 1"
       [admin:ctrl]: dnspolicy:rule>  index 1
       [admin:ctrl]: dnspolicy:rule> match
       [admin:ctrl]: dnspolicy:rule:match> geo_location
       [admin:ctrl]: dnspolicy:rule:match:geo_location> match_criteria IS_IN
       [admin:ctrl]: dnspolicy:rule:match:geo_location> geolocation_tag "East Coast"
       [admin:ctrl]: dnspolicy:rule:match:geo_location> save
       [admin:ctrl]: dnspolicy:rule:match> save
       [admin:ctrl]: dnspolicy:rule> action
       [admin:ctrl]: dnspolicy:rule:action> gs_group_selection
       [admin:ctrl]: dnspolicy:rule:action:gs_group_selection> group_name "GS-1-pool-2"
       [admin:ctrl]: dnspolicy:rule:action:gs_group_selection> save
       [admin:ctrl]: dnspolicy:rule:action> save
       [admin:ctrl]: dnspolicy:rule> save
       [admin:ctrl]: dnspolicy> save


The topology policy is configured as shown below:

 | Field                           | Value                                          |
 | uuid                            | dnspolicy-e3aae711-7617-439f-912a-dea3945d39e1 |
 | name                            | dns-vs-TopologyPolicy-0                        |
 | rule[1]                         |                                                |
 |   name                          | Rule 1                                         |
 |   index                         | 1                                              |
 |   enable                        | True                                           |
 |   match                         |                                                |
 |     geo_location                |                                                |
 |       match_criteria            | IS_IN                                          |
 |       use_edns_client_subnet_ip | True                                           |
 |       geolocation_tag           | East Coast                                     |
 |   action                        |                                                |
 |     gs_group_selection          |                                                |
 |       group_name                | GS-1-pool-2                                    |
 | tenant_ref                      | admin                                          |
 [admin:ctrl]: >